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  • #178489

    Not sure if i hve made the release file correctly may have to lookit up on how to do it later for but hey ho take a look and tell me what you think you need to add the extra paltalk exe’s to your paltalkmessenger directory for this to work


    works great! good job…i didnt have to add more exe’s and i was able to open two pal windows…so yea…but good job..i like it 😛


    yeah man i did test it to and it works sometimes u get and errorr all you have to do is click continue and thats it you can open two windows and more 🙂 good job …


    oh man its not work for me when i open the exe it say eror


    am going to look in to this and try maybe an install cab cos it not working correctley but i will figur it out bear with me folks 8)


    Here try this firstley run the setup.bat file then run the setup.exe then look for the C:Program FilesLocNinJaPALPalPalPal and create your self a short cut to the prog then when you one all that run the file see what you think and for all of you dudes out there tell me what you think dont just take it and leave enjoy 8)


    hi LoCNiNjA, thx a lot for your nice prog.
    I did as you wrote and it showed that i needed to install the NET Frame 1.1.4322, which I DL:ed from Microsoft and installed it.
    Then I installed your prog, but it doesn’t work when i open it and push the butom: Click me, i got the messege that there is something wrong and a kind of expetional fault has happened without handle it by this program, then you kan chose to close it or continue with it.
    But even if you click on continue, nothing happens.
    would you plz check it and see if you can solve this problem, thx buddy 😀


    Hey Great Program! I got 6 Login Screens! Is that good enough for u people. How many niks u wanna use at one time…lol Here’s the pic:


    hi YeaAnd, would you plz explaine exactly how you did to make it work, thx 😀


    OK. make sure u got the latest one that was posted. Now first open the setup.bat file and the lil black screen wit the white letters will come up. u will see it copying files. wait til its done wit that (in the upper left corner it will say “Finished -Setup” when it’s done) leave that opened while u are installing and open up the setup.exe file and go through the installation and ur done.

    For this prog to work u need the .NET Framework v.1.1.4322 installed on ur PC so make sure u got that. If u dont then u can download the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package from this link:

    And then install that on ur PC. then look in C:Program FilesLocNinJaPALPalPalPal and make a shortcut for the prog for ur conveinence. Everything should work after all that! Enjoy! 😀

    Oh, and you will not always get 6 login screens. it seems to range between 2 and 6. just keep trying till u get the amount u want…its not too hard.


    😀 man u are kicking asz man u just making great program thanks a lot 🙂


    can u show me how to do it
    i download and it didnt work for me


    @xyz24 wrote:

    can u show me how to do it
    i download and it didnt work for me

    hi dude read the whole forum it does work you just need to read all of these posts you will find you need to put the dot net framework on your PC first to install the setup exe 8)


    Hey LoCNiNjA can u explain how to make it run as Realtime Priority please? i dont know how to do that. 😕 How did u get 8 lol.


    you bring up taskmanager when the prog is running go to process tab and find PalPalpal.exe the right click it then select set priority->realtime it will give you a warning then go back to the prog and click the button then you should 😈 have 8 appear but try this out for me please 8)

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