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Get your Chat Room statistics

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  • #181636

    WTF They stole my idea I gonna sue them lol, nah hehe they show how to get your room statitics like the admin bot, kindna 🙂 Good idea thou 🙂 but I stills ay I came up with it first hehehehe
    Here what they say in paltalk blogs by Pete (paltalk)
    Did you know that chat room owners can run a simple command in the red “paltalk” pal on their pal list and get chat room statistics? Here’s how to run the command and decipher the results:

    NOTE: you must run this command while logged into PaltalkScene under the chat room owner nickname.

    1. Go to your PaltalkScene Pal list and open an IM session with the red “Paltalk” buddy.
    2. In the Paltalk IM window, type: myroom stats and hit ‘Enter’:
    After a second or so you should see an output in the IM window much like the one below.

    Date room definition created: (the date this room was created)
    Date last opened:
    Date last closed:
    Approximate typical concurrent members: (this is the average peak concurrent members in your chat room determined by our super-smart server)
    Max members ever: (this is the highest # of concurrent members you have ever had in your chat room)
    Number of admins on the admin control list:
    Number of members currently banned:
    Odometer start date:
    Number of times room opened since Odometer Date:
    Number of visits since Odometer Date:(number of times members have joined your chat room)
    Number of times room opened since created:
    Number of visits since created: (will be different form the odometer# if your room was created before we started logging with the odometer)

    Try it out and im sure you will be amazed by how many members visit your chat room!


    and here the original post


    yah go ahead loco i will suport u … when u got some money pls give me half lol lol


    We gonna be rich hehehehe, nah paltalk is cheap asz they prob give me 1 month subscription for green nick :mrgreen:

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