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Paltalk User Fast Banner

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  • #188764

    Aigh this program is to ban peeps in the room you admin just by entering their nick in a text boxe, I guess it can be be modefied to be like u click the nicks in a list box ect…. anyways before i went out I decided to hook a buddy up with this code 😉

    hey one thing its actually two codes one being the actual fast banner and the other one is a exe that it needs to call so when the msgbox of paltalk the one that title “Ban User?” comes up it clicks on yes I couldn’t do it direcetly it never work lol so I made another exe just for that.


    Loco thank u buddy. Excellent code!! I learned alot from it :-))


    No problem 🙂


    loco . could u show me how i can read a list of names from text file and add them to ban list one by one using this program. As u know this paltalk shit erases ban list every once a while and i think they erased again these past few days!! I have a list of names in text one in each line and i want to be able to read each one of them and add it to paltalk ban list.

    Furthermore, it would be nice to be able to backup our banlist some how. I be happy if u help me here.Thanks

    Project SP

    all u need to do iz…. when its addin the user to ban list
    add a list loop or while dere … and u are all set……


    that sounds cool like saving ban list i might add the to the admin bot, i gonna see wha if i can give it a shot today or tomorrow, although my girls on vacation tomorrow hehe so i dont know 😈

    hehe anyways i give it a shot

    hey sp you mean like search the text file and loop then add each nick right ❓

    Project SP

    yup.. loco.. if i get a chance ill edit de codes.. and show u….. how its done.. oki ? pretty simple though


    aigh man, when you got time plssssssssss
    I am out for vacation so I should check on the forums now and then, 🙂

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