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  • #189556

    you dont know what an if statement is so shut up


    Do you mean that you want it to simulate you right clicking on the userlist?


    Im guessing you mean vb so

    if instr(data, """") then
    data = replace(data, """", "")
    end if

    with the quote on vb you do 2 of them to be one as a string
    like this

    string = "Then John said ""Hello Bob, How are you?"""

    Thats going to come out like
    Then John said “Hello Bob, How are you?”


    Yea thats true most people wont need that many passwords but i dont like the limit on mine… What i ment by script kiddie wasnt to talk shit i just dont like when people toss code together that isnt theres and claim to be elite coders like what Syxx does… if you have aim, yahoo or msn ill be glad to walk you through how to get by the ban


    i think its funny that your signature has a had a typo in it for a while now and you are too dumb to fix it… your mom must of told you it was bed time when you tryed to fix it or something


    No one wants your ID… Who would wanna be like you? You dont even wanna be like yourself thats why you hate on other people that are better then you and can do more then you…


    man wtf this isnt Hackwood… Im DeMo im the one that mad the paltalk cracker… If you look on Hackwoods posts he never said once he made that program…


    If DeMo = “Pimp” Then
    If You = “ho” Then
    Call Smack(you)
    End if
    End if


    Departure, I like the idea but i just dont think its needed… The way you have all the password/name go in a list box is a bad idea… the list box has limits on it and it eats up more memory then needed… I like to see that someone is taking the time to program something… Id like to see your source some time just to see how you code… Ill show you how to get around that dumb ass ban if you want… but i would at least like to see a screen shot of your source so i know you’re not just a scriptkiddie… Id like to see how your cracker turns out after you get by the ban… Even if paltalk changes the way it bands ill get around it

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