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  • #180759

    simple take away the text screen on your side before sending the boot make a protect on your end moreless


    syxx you just spread your ignorance all over these forums. the code from above yours? you probaly do recognize it considering you used pat or jk api spy. so yea im sure its close.


    nice idea about the .bas.

    to have it auto select is pretty simple, just do

    if palver = window handle 1 blah blah blah then

    send blah blah blah

    elseif palver = window handle 2 blah blah blah then

    send blah blah blah

    elseif palver = window handle 3 blah blah blah then

    send blah blah blah

    end if

    havent looked at your code but you get the idea, just make a palver in .bas file, and make the call to it and it will check to see what pal ver it is and send the appropriate send for it .


    yea used to make proto for yahoo, but there was a vinky.dll he had all the proto stuff in there already so everyone used his dll. but yea its easy to do hard part is the dll, if there are any programs that can actually login to paltalk then they have a dll to read the proto


    if you switched its to proto then you dont have to worry about chat sends that way, whoever has the proto dll that is making chat programs for pal, you can use that.

    You would actually login the program to paltalk and wouldnt need paltalk up at all just do direct sends through protocol into room, then you would only have to update when they change there protocol or server side software.


    Looks kool loco, but one thing how are you gonna have teams? would have to be a certain thing they would have to type perhaps to choose?

    to randomize the questions you will have to give each one a number to identify it properly.

    this code isnt mine but maybe it will help you for randomizing it another way,

    ' ### Just paste everything below into VB under a command button or ###
    ' ### something, then you'll see which bits are comments. ###

    ' One way to randomize a list of items. For this you'll need three
    ' listboxes, named 'Openlist', 'Donelist' and 'Templist' (minus
    ' quotes. There's probably a better way to do this, but this is just what
    ' I came up with. It's simple really, but hopefully it should help someone.
    ' Comments or suggestions, contact me via the contact form on PSC. If you
    ' want to use this with an array, just modify the adding, deleting and
    ' counting actions for whatever you need. You'll need a bit of Rediming in
    ' there too.

    ' No warranty is provided for this script or its actions, neither expressed
    ' nor implied. No liability is assumed for the use, misuse, or inability to
    ' use this script, or the consequences thus.

    Dim fromline As Double
    Dim thisixloc As Double
    ' Names used here:
    ' Openlist - this is a listbox containing all the items you want to
    ' randomize. Where I've used it, it's contained lines opened
    ' from a text file, hence 'Openlist' - Just replace all if
    ' you really must change it
    ' Donelist - This is the listbox which will contain the finished product
    ' when it's all been randomized
    ' Templist - The temporary store for the latter part of the Donelist (more
    ' later)
    ' thisixloc - The current index number a new item should take (more later)
    ' fromline - The current line index we're dealing with

    ' Clear the Donelist. Start with a clean slate
    ' Add the first item to the donelist.
    ' It doesn't matter what item is added first, since by the end it could be
    ' anywhere in the list
    Donelist.AddItem (Openlist.List(0))
    ' We're going to do this process for every item in the Openlist, otherwise
    ' we'd be leaving things out. Common sense really
    For Item = 1 To Openlist.ListCount - 1
    ' Generate a new random seed. Make all this randomness a little more
    ' random
    ' This generated an index location number, i.e. after this process has
    ' finished, this is the index number we want it to end up as. Bear in
    ' mind we're working in Base 0 here, so we start from 0. Also, the new
    ' item could go at the end of the list. So that would be the highest
    ' index value plus 1, which is the same as the ListCount, so we'll use
    ' that instead. The formula here is:
    ' Int((Highest - Lowest + 1) * Rnd + Lowest)
    ' Just generates us a number between our upper and lower bounds. Note
    ' that because we have 0 as a lower bound, adding or subtracting it does
    ' nothing, so the -0 and +0 just disappear to leave us with the
    ' following:
    thisixloc = Int((Donelist.ListCount + 1) * Rnd)
    ' If the generated index number is 0, it means the current item is gonna
    ' be put at the start of the list.
    If thisixloc = 0 Then
    ' So, we clear the temp store (here Templist) just in case, for whatever
    ' reason, there's something left over in there...
    ' ...move everything in Donelist over to the temporary store...
    For fromline = 0 To Donelist.ListCount - 1
    Templist.AddItem (Donelist.List(fromline))
    Next fromline
    ' ...clear the donelist...
    ' ...add the item...
    Donelist.AddItem (Openlist.List(Item))
    ' ...move all the items back after the new item...
    For fromline = 0 To Templist.ListCount - 1
    Donelist.AddItem (Templist.List(fromline))
    Next fromline
    ' ...and finally clear the temp store so it's fresh for next time
    ' it's used
    ' If our index number is one higher than the highest index in the
    ' donelist, this means we want to put the item on the end of the list
    ElseIf thisixloc = Donelist.ListCount Then
    ' So of course, we just add it straight on there
    Donelist.AddItem (Openlist.List(Item))
    ' Any other index number means we're gonna have to slip it into the
    ' list, in between what's already there. So, we'll split the list
    ' in two. The first part will be everything up to where we want the
    ' item to go, and the second part will be everything after it. So,
    ' we'll move the second part to the temporary store, remove the items
    ' that we just transferred, add the new item to the end of the first
    ' part of the list, then transferring everything back from the temp
    ' store, sticking it back on the end of our list.
    ' EDIT: Originally what I did was move the first part to one store,
    ' then the second to another store. Re-add the first one, then
    ' the item, then the second one. However, this meant that in the
    ' computer memory, the list had to be duplicated, taking up both
    ' memory itself and time. Especially for long lists, duplicating
    ' a large portion of the list when it's not required was a silly
    ' thing to be doing. So now, hopefully, if we just delete things
    ' off the end, the first part can stay exactly where it was in
    ' the memory, and we just add to it.
    ' Clear the temporary store, again in case there's something left
    ' there for whatever reason
    ' Now, we'll take the second part of the list (from the index
    ' location right to the end) and put it in the temp store.
    ' If I type 'story' instead of 'store' one more time I'll go nuts
    For fromline = thisixloc To Donelist.ListCount - 1
    Templist.AddItem (Donelist.List(fromline))
    Next fromline
    ' Now, we'll remove exactly the same items. We couldn't really
    ' remove them in the For Next loop above or we'd end up messing
    ' up our index numbers and making the process one helluva lot more
    ' complex than it really needs to be. Note that as the number of
    ' items in the list decreases as we delete them, we can just keep
    ' deleting whatever's in the current index location. If we do this
    ' the number of times there are things to delete, then all of them
    ' will go
    For fromline = thisixloc To Donelist.ListCount - 1
    Donelist.RemoveItem (thisixloc)
    Next fromline
    ' Here comes our new item
    Donelist.AddItem (Openlist.List(Item))
    ' Then move everything back onto the end of that list...
    For fromline = 0 To Templist.ListCount - 1
    Donelist.AddItem (Templist.List(fromline))
    Next fromline
    ' ...and clear the temp store again
    End If
    Next Item

    there are several ways to mask your ip from paltalk using proxies, whoever says otherwise dont know shit.

    there is software to do it, you cant do it through a site, you can set up wingate, or sygate or several other apps that do it, and there are different lvl of proxies some are anonymous and some arent infact most arent so simply having a proxy doesnt mean that your masked from the internet.

    and you can also go through a router and setup proxy at a hardware lvl.


    need to start doing it all by protocol and you can get it all from there.

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