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All in one app

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  • #189568

    I was wondering what people thought of all in one apps…

    just to give an example here is a very basic all in one app that made so people can get an idea in what im talking about…

    this basic app has a Profile info viewer (updated) Flooder to flood the room with
    text at mutiple speeds, E-lite talker to change your text to funky writting,
    a Port monitor ( easy to grab paltalk users Ip address)

    but lets say people did like all in one apps the simple apps could be changed to advanced apps, like greeters, Paltalk password crackers (i know one has just been released) paltalk crackers are easy to make …just like a website cracker username and password. could also add faders, trivia bots ect… all in 1 simple to use app.

    ohh and this is for version 7 build 70, but when making an advance all in one app for paltalk it would include version 553, version 7 and version 8 and you would just have to click what version you are using in the option menu


    dude, to change text to funky letters isnt api at all lol, preplace “a” = text 3 some shit like that, never really bothered with that.


    I love all in one tools, the way u dont have to open a bunch of programs at the same time, 🙂 i was thinking of making one for myself, so i dont have to open all, 🙂


    @UDG_Sk8erboi4490 wrote:

    dude, to change text to funky letters isnt api at all lol, preplace “a” = text 3 some shit like that, never really bothered with that.

    ?????????? who said anything about API calls?


    the namew of the shit…


    the name of what??
    i still dont get what your trying to say



    Can you help me how to get text, and send text to room on Pal 8. I’m able to do on the older versions, but still can’t do on Pal 8.


    yeah no worrys mate, Ill make an example and post the source code here.

    i think its better explained in the source, if you want i can comment them also if you dont fully understand how it works, but i am guess you already know if you could do it in the older versions


    Okay here is a an example to send and get text from paltalk 8 (newest build) i have put the functions into module for easyer reading. you could modify this code for rich text (for colors). this is just a basic example so please people dont complain about how basic it is,

    any questions just ask and ill try to respnd with a decent anwser.



    “I Help you now You Can help me! Click the image and Donate!”

    huhhh i dont get it, how have you helped me???
    and about your donation! is this syxx trying to make money from the internet????

    go stick your donation where the sun dont shine!


    @Departure wrote:

    Okay here is a an example to send and get text from paltalk 8 (newest build) i have put the functions into module for easyer reading. you could modify this code for rich text (for colors). this is just a basic example so please people dont complain about how basic it is,

    any questions just ask and ill try to respnd with a decent anwser.

    Great! Departure, I’ll tries this. Thx a lot for the help. I do learn a lot from ur examples.


    @Departure wrote:

    “I Help you now You Can help me! Click the image and Donate!”

    huhhh i dont get it, how have you helped me???
    and about your donation! is this syxx trying to make money from the internet????

    go stick your donation where the sun dont shine!

    dude you must be a fucking pakistan cause you sure are fucking dumb dude there are many sites that take must not get around and im pretty sure i have helped you in the passed you are to sad to admitt that i did and you think your helping theses people by using a api spy program to get the API for paltalk? anyone with half a brain can use a API Spy and get the api needed to send text to a room where is your real programming skills at paki all i see you doin is paltalk stuff that all you know? and “Departure” you are a really nigger just like the definition says because you just cant grow up and stop talking shit on a forum you think you could kick my ass lil bin laden dick rider why dont you learn more about me and come kick my ass you wouldn’t throw the first punch before you would hit the ground remember im that fat boy like to see you kick a fat boys ass since i stand at 6’3 282 pounds like to see you fight me im not like your lil middle school kids who you can beat up without any doubt your a skinny lil kid that i could lift with one hand 😆 now go back to your gay paltalk programming cause thats the only thing you can do.


    fuck face i know what paypal is, my point was, why are you being a scab and begging for money around on a paltalk forum cock breath??

    your such a looser, you state in your other posts that stuff on the internet should be for free, then being the dickhead you are have paypal account and asking people to pay you.

    and by the way you have NEVER helped me in past or present, so shut your cake hole up!!


    Why dont you try getting a job you fucken BUM!!!!

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