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can anyone help me and explain to me how the red dot works ?

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  • #185391

    hi to every one i am new here
    i was trying to understand how red dot works ?

    is it a file in the registry , i dont know , i need help

    i have been tring to use registry firewall to see if the automatic red dot can be avoided

    i enter a room which the users automaticaly get red dot in order to maintaine the room , that there excuse lol.

    anyway i need to understand how to undot my self if its can be done ?


    Aigh, all you do is change your nick cause thats the unly way to take the red dot off this days.

    another thing there are a lot of rooms that auto red dot people when they enter the room for soe reason 🙂


    yes but still i dont understand how it works , all i want to know is how
    red dot works

    someone told me it is in the AppEvents in the registry is it true ?


    no nothing to do with your registry, its on the server side that dictates wheather people get red dotted or no when entering a room, which is configured by the admin of the room.

    so in other words there is nothing you can do about it, well atleast as far as i know, maybe there is hack for it but i have never heard of it.


    llook i’ll give answer about hwo to tack off the red dot in the samn nick
    alright but you ahve to be cearful
    coz we will work in the regedit look
    1_ go to the regsitry
    2_go to hkey_current _user
    prees in side it then 3_go to software
    4_inside software find out patalk decument
    5_ on click on it then will show u the nick that u loging in and the bunced and all the iformations inside it even u can c the last room that u has been in side it
    6_u will find pwd it’s file name in side your nick decoment will find pwd look at the last number if u find the number more than 4 make it for or 3 or 2 or1 btu if u find it 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 that’s means you got red do so u jus have to change the number then make a restart to the pc after that will loging in your name without any red do t i dd that hundard times and it’s works with me every time


    korabelwa do u mean this

    the last number on that is 8, so i change it to 4,3,2, or 1? becuz if its 5,6,7 or 8 it means i got a red dot? is that correct?


    Malatyali Musti:

    i didn`t find a pwd file in the registry in paltalk


    you will only find pwd (your encrypted password) in the registry if u have the save password feature on.


    yea…so, providing this works, it will not be in the pwd key…hence, this not working…


    excuse me, but how i can go to the registry and all this stuff

    thank u 🙂


    well…this trick doesnt work…i dont know why it isnt locked…one of the mods on here should lock this topic…

    but you dont want to fuck with the registry cuz it can screw ur whole computer up…but if you want to see it go to start>run and type in ‘regedit’ (no quotes) and thats called the registry editor…

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