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Cool tutorial by bennylove1232003 in h2kclan

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  • #191789

    This a cool totorial I saw on the h2k site, I putting here cause i like the idea of the virtual pc, I might try this myself and see 🙂


    1. microsoft virtual pc 2004

    2. Proxy Switcher Pro

    3. winrar

    4. a fast pc i would say some thing like p4 or p3 1.3ghz at least 256ram

    thats it
    now how to do it

    download and install 1.
    download 2. and put it on your desk top dont open it yet as you no not need it yet

    ok open virtual pc
    click next
    click next again
    then it says name and location but the name of your virtual pc
    i put mine a xp pc2 or some thing like that
    then click next
    then pick your operating system if your gonig to install xp then pick xp
    then click next
    click next again
    then put a dot in the box that says (a new virtual hard disk)
    click next
    then next again
    then click finish

    then you will see in your vm console your new virtual pc
    click that and click start
    now you need to install xp on it
    so install xp it sould not take that long
    then when it is all installed
    and you have got two os running
    at the top of pc 2 you need to click actions then click install or update virtual machine
    and that will install vm on pc 2 this means you can move your mouse from scren to screen
    when that is done it will ask you to reboot pc 2 click ok
    then when it has booted back up
    and you have 2 os’s running

    now install winrar on pc 2
    ni dont now if a said this but grag and drop proxy pro in to pc2
    open it and install it
    now it’s installed open the proxy pro and findworking proxy’s
    then click a working one and switch to it
    now your running a proxy on pc2 download and install paltalk on pc2
    please note you must make up a new nick
    now your good to go

    you can make up as many os’s as you like i had pc1 pc2 and pc3 witch was 98
    all running at the same time and i loged into paltalk in the same room with three nicks
    ohhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaa

    i dont no if this is any help

    plz let me know if you have any problems with this

    also when your installing another os and you click inside the ox your mouse
    is stuck to that box

    press ctrl+alt+del you get your mouse out of the box

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