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get last line

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  • #186668

    i have this function to get the last line from pal work fine under compile target net framework 3.5 . but when i compile the app for target framework 4
    some times it return value as text and other times it dosn’t return text at all…any explnation or how to make it work for net framework 4


    Private Function GetLastLineTextChat(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByRef iLastLine As Integer) As String()
    Dim lngCount As Integer
    Dim lngLength As Integer
    Dim strBuffer As New StringBuilder(255)
    Dim sText() As String = Nothing
    'Get Line count
    lngCount = SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0)
    lngLength = SendMessage(hwnd, EM_LINELENGTH, lngCount - 2, 0)
    'get line text
    If iLastLine = 0 Then iLastLine = lngCount
    If lngCount > iLastLine Then
    Do While iLastLine <= lngCount
    iLastLine = iLastLine + 1
    If sText Is Nothing Then
    ReDim sText(0)
    Dim iCount As Integer = sText.Length
    ReDim Preserve sText(iCount)
    End If
    'get line text
    Call SendMessageString(hwnd, EM_GETLINE, iLastLine - 2, strBuffer)
    sText(sText.Length - 1) = strBuffer.ToString
    If iLastLine = lngCount Then
    Exit Do
    End If
    ElseIf iLastLine <> lngCount Then
    iLastLine = lngCount
    ReDim sText(0)
    'get line text
    Call SendMessageString(hwnd, EM_GETLINE, iLastLine - 2, strBuffer)
    sText(sText.Length - 1) = strBuffer.ToString
    ElseIf iLastLine = lngCount Then
    End If
    Return sText
    End Function



    What does this mean

    sText(sText.Length - 1) = strBuffer.ToString

    and this

    Dim iCount As Integer = sText.Length
    ReDim Preserve sText(iCount)

    Use a string builder to collect all lines in the loop, it’s surely more efficient, readable, and tou won’t need to ask “why”.
    And after the elseif a sipmle

    sText = strBuffer.ToString

    would do.


    This code was part an example I posted here a long time ago.

    @Chike wrote:

    And after the elseif a sipmle

    sText = strBuffer.ToString

    would do.

    If you are just putting all lines into a single text object, that may work. However, the code he has provided adds each line to the end of a string array. So for each line, it increases the size of the array by 1 and then adds the line to the end of the array.

    Therefore, to answer:
    @Chike wrote:

    What does this mean

    sText(sText.Length - 1) = strBuffer.ToString

    It means to load the last entry of the string array with the current content of the stringbuilder.

    and this:
    @Chike wrote:

    Dim iCount As Integer = sText.Length
    ReDim Preserve sText(iCount)

    “ReDim” re-sizes the string array
    “Preserve” saves the current content.

    It could be condensed into a single line like this:

    ReDim Preserve sText(sText.Length)

    It is possible, I guess, to get all the lines in a single StringBuilder and then use .Split to add them into the String Array, but I have never approached it that way.

    As to why you are having problems with .NET4, I have no ideas. The code is all compatable with .NET4 and I dont see anything in it that should cause what you are reporting. You may want to add some Try/Catch statements to see what errors (if any) are being reported back.


    Ah it’s stupid line array.
    still would make sense to

    Redim sText(lngCount - iLastLine )

    once, and
    sText(0) = strBuffer.ToString

    So the problem must be the first word of the string buffer that should be set to the capacity before sending the EM_GETLINE message

    strBuffer.Chars(0) = Chr(255)
    strBuffer.Chars(1) = Chr(0)

    If the project is set to ansi, or just the first line if using unicode

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