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ghostriderofthenite Ultimate Bot project

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  • #100246

    all working now but youtube video links


    maybe need add other video types cause my movies on computer play in windows media player hmmmmmmm


    that worked now just need figure out how use youtube video and music from the links i built in


    i changed too this and worked but not for youtube
    Private Sub Command30_Click()
    Me.CommonDialog1.Filter = “All Files|*.wmv;*.mp3;*.mp4|” & “WMV Files(*.wmv)|*.wmv|” & “WAV Files(*.wav)|*.wav|” & “MP3 Files (*.mp3)|*.mp3 |” & “MP4 Files (*.mp4) | *.mp4 |” & “VIDEO Files (*.avi;*.flv;*.webm;*.mkv;*.mov;*.wmv;*.avhcd;*mp4) | *.avi |” & “MPEG Files (*.mpg) | *.mpg|”
    WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = CommonDialog1.FileName
    p = True
    End Sub


    cant get youtube videos to load to combox box arggggggggggg


    i found a program that captured video camera works nice wonder if could use it some how


    You just keep adding stuff lol, is that in VB6


    yes its vb6 code but i was able to get all music links to work and media player but cant get the youtube links to work in the combobox and mediaplayer?


    my idea is to have the youtube links open in media player also besides just clicking the command button that opens youtube and then capture the webcam so could show in room?


    lol I know I’ve added alot but most of it all works and then last theing to fix and make work is trivia and fix richtext box so can see all chacters some languages don’t show but work fine in the access database


    i modified code I think to work with all video and music sound in media player tested and works when click select music i added this code
    Me.CommonDialog1.Filter = “All Files|*.wmv;*.mp3;*.mp4|” & “WMV Files(*.wmv)|*.wmv|” & “WAV Files(*.wav)|*.wav|” & “MP3 Files (*.mp3)|*.mp3 |” & “MP4 Files (*.mp4)| *.mp4 |” & “VIDEO Files (*.avi;*.flv;*.webm;*.mkv;*.mov;*.wmv;*.avhcd;*.mp4;*.xvid;*.vlc;*.dvdrip)” & “AVI Files (*.avi)| *.avi |” & “FLV Files (*.flv)| *.flv |” & ” WEBM Files (*.webm)| *.webm |” & ” MKV Files (*.mkv)| *.mkv |” & ” MOV Files (*.mov)| *.mov |” & ” WMV Files (*.wmv)| *.wmv |” & ” AVHCD Files (*.avhcd)| *.avhcd |” & ” MP4 Files (*.mp4)| *.mp4 |” & ” XVID Files (*.xvid)| *.xvid |” & ” VLC Files (*.vlc)| *.vlc |” & ” DVDRIP (*.dvdrip)| *.dvdrip |” & ” MPEG Files (*.mpg)| *.mpg|”


    well it was working i treid like 6 movie videos but now its not maybe i need reboot or take a break hahahah


    not sure why but this works but then when want to change video have close all way out

    Me.CommonDialog1.Filter = “All Files|*.wmv;*.wav;*.mp3;*.mp4|” & “WMV Files(*.wmv)|*.wmv|” & “WAV Files(*.wav)|*.wav|” & “MP3 Files (*.mp3)|*.mp3 |” & “MP4 Files (*.mp4)| *.mp4 |” & “VIDEO Files (*.avi;*.flv;*.webm;*.mkv;*.mov;*.avhcd;*.xvid;*.vlc;*.dvdrip)” & “AVI Files (*.avi)| *.avi |” & “FLV Files (*.flv)| *.flv |” & ” WEBM Files (*.webm)| *.webm |” & ” MKV Files (*.mkv)| *.mkv |” & ” MOV Files (*.mov)| *.mov |” & ” AVHCD Files (*.avhcd)| *.avhcd |” & ” XVID Files (*.xvid)| *.xvid |” & ” VLC Files (*.vlc)| *.vlc |” & ” DVDRIP (*.dvdrip)| *.dvdrip |” & ” MPEG Files (*.mpg)| *.mpg|”

    had a couple files doubled so removed


    hmmmmmmmmmmm youtube uses HTML5 wonder how to add that and if needed


    I added and works but must back all the way out to change and close and reopen project

    Me.CommonDialog1.Filter = “All Files|*.wmv;*.wav;*.mp3;*.mp4|” & “WMV Files(*.wmv)|*.wmv|” & “WAV Files(*.wav)|*.wav|” & “MP3 Files(*.mp3)|*.mp3 |” & “MP4 Files(*.mp4)| *.mp4 |” & “VIDEO Files(*.avi;*.flv;*.webm;*.mkv;*.mov;*.avhcd;*.xvid;*.vlc;*.dvdrip;*.html5)” & “AVI Files(*.avi)| *.avi |” & “FLV Files(*.flv)| *.flv |” & ” WEBM Files(*.webm)| *.webm |” & ” MKV Files(*.mkv)| *.mkv |” & ” MOV Files(*.mov)| *.mov |” & ” AVHCD Files(*.avhcd)| *.avhcd |” & ” XVID Files(*.xvid)| *.xvid |” & ” VLC Files(*.vlc)| *.vlc |” & ” DVDRIP(*.dvdrip)| *.dvdrip |” & ” HTML5(*.html5)| *.html5 |” & ” MPEG Files(*.mpg)| *.mpg|”

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