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ghostriderofthenite Ultimate Bot project

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  • #101558

    Man Hope Your Ok you not talk in while


    lol Sorry bro is that I been crazy busy 🙂 so what you need my help on right now, I seen a lot of stuff I miss 🙂


    lol wow your alive hahahahah if you have look at current version i may have messed things up, i can get trivia show in room manually but its odd and clears text in room and i add font and color palate to change font and color but only i can see and it still dont get and accept answers im not sure i think prb is a module thing but not find a good source on how to create module yet thats yer expert area hahahah

    so this is were i left it i think each form has to be linked to all join or as one project once finished and made a program for trivia users in room list added but needs show like in your trivia i made bann list seperate form all music links in music counsole work and mixer but not capture youtube video to media player and transfer to webcam and all game links work but the trivia is a mess hahahaha probably my fault

    I know its a massive project but will be Great when working, oh and I got mic timer working perfect shows in room hahahha some how


    not sure my last post showed but some of the trivia question dont show correct in richtext box it doesnt reconize but shows correctly in the databse like thai language and many others


    some this code made some languages visible but not all
    RichTextBox1.TextRTF = “{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\f0\fs17 press \f1\fs26\u9658?\f0\fs17 to continue\par }”

    this code looks like c# tho


    done this way almost all languages work but not all yet

    Private Sub Command14_Click()
    RichTextBox1.TextRTF = “{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\f0\fs17 press \f1\fs26\u9658?\f0\fs17 to continue\par }”
    TxtSendPal (RichTextBox1.TextRTF)
    End Sub


    lol and some reason that stopped working back square 1 not sure whats going on


    this is suppose be method to play youtube video in vb6 media player not working bu no errors either hahaha

    Private Sub Command74_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    Dim VideoAddr As String
    VideoAddr = Replace(URLAddr.Text, “/watch?v=”, “/v/”)
    If KeyAscii = 13 Then
    WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = VideoAddr
    End If
    End Sub


    seems should be way in music panel add code that takes the working links and shows in media player hmmmmmmmmmmm and then video capture that with web cam and put in room like webcam max and those things


    like add to each button that opens default webborswer but also adds to media player
    Private Sub Command19_Click()
    Dim a As String
    a = “”
    Call Shell(“explorer.exe ” & a)
    End Sub

    those all work perfect for each button


    perhaps instead using media player should use web browser control?


    change of thought, what if , instead of deafult browser all music links when clicked open in vb6 windowsmediaplayer1 ?


    hmmmmmmmmmmm i’ve tried this over and over in different ways doesnot work but i name button command74

    This is code already test and working fine.
    I’m using keypress event just for textbox not for the button.
    If you want to use button to play it then use button default event (click event) and don’t change it with any events like keypress event.
    Also please confirm that your textbox name is URLAddr and button name is Command1 to make this working.
    I hope you can handle it.

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim VideoAddr As String
    VideoAddr = Replace(URLAddr.Text, “/watch?v=”, “/v/”)
    WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = VideoAddr
    End Sub

    my code

    Private Sub Command74_Click()
    Dim VideoAddr As String
    VideoAddr = Replace(URLAddr.Text, “/watch?v=”, “/v/”)
    WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = VideoAddr
    End Sub


    some kid made this but not show the code but was in 2010 hahaah Youtube Url Player on vb6


    well if and when you have time top list is to get yotube to play in windowsmedia player and also beable to put in user links to form to do the same. so when all the commands already loaded with links other thank open web browser also open in media player. And then some how capture that to web cam to be displayed.

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