Hi folks, Please share if you have some paltalk hidden emoticans, the ones I know were there for a while, if you have some new ones please add.
@swift.paltalk, @frank.paltalk, @altay.paltalk, @roger.paltalk, @msn.paltalk, @yahoo.paltalk, @away.paltalk, @paltalk.paltalk, @icq.paltalk, @online.paltalk, @offline.paltalk.
Those are nothing new. They’ve been around for over a year. Same as these:
(@msn) (@aol) is the same as (@aim) (@icq) (@dnd) (@yahoo) (@paltalk) is same as (@online) (@away) (@offline)
Edit: These too, @vexxler.paltalk @anne.paltalk @nobuddy.paltalk and there’s a few more that I can’t remember right now…
Thanks Ghost, those were out there for a while as i said, the ones I posted were not new but I was looking for incase someone got something new. Thanks for the last few which I didn’t know.
thanks alot of the hidden Emoticans
The ones with .paltalk aren’t doing anything for me when I try to use them.
@KingofEcstasy wrote:
They only work for blue and green nicks.
Well these r quite old.. they were there since paltalk 8 or 9