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How to change fonts in paltalk to a different language?

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  • #183585

    I installed the russian font but still dont see the russian text in russian rooms


    ill look for tutorial to see on what i missed


    did u restart your computer?


    wait…I needed to install the fonts and restart the pc?I did it but i still dont see the russian words in russian rooms…


    well what can i tell u, winme sucks
    but this is how u do it with XP


    well you need your windows CD and install you lanuage fonts from off the CD and change your lanage in your windows to like russain or arbaic but paltalk was coded in english so i dunno if all the text will be in your lanuage…


    well u usually only need the cd if it asks you for one. so if he never mentioned anything about a prompt for a CD then i dont think he needs one since all the files were always in his system

    but ive installed arabic font on this guys laptop from around here and i did the same thing i told u to do, so maybe theres another way to do it with winME

    get yoru winME cd then do the steps over and see if that works


    the windows cd isnt here…ok no matter…most people write in english in paltalk..its ok..


    if you have cable internet you should just download XP ,
    but make sure you download

    win xp pro corp.ISO

    make sure its an iso and you will also need to download an iso burner, i use MagicISO which i got off of bearshare with a crack,

    the reason why u would need to burn it as an ISO is because u want it to burn as a CD IMAGE rather than a normal data cd, reason with that is when u burn as cd image it will come out being the same exact thing as the real cd, meaning once your insert cd and then restart your computer, you will get
    “Press any key to continue…” and it will load the cd from there

    with a regular data cd, u will HAVE TO run it from My computer, which if you had 1 hard drive you will have bad luck because when the installation first runs and u continue the setup, it will save some files that it needs onto the harddrive

    so later when u are gonna try to format the hard drive and install a fresh copy, u will get “cant do that because some of the needed files are on that hard disk”


    Why dn’t you just ask one of the people in the room how to do it man … since they understand and know how to write in Russian …

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