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How To Create Capital Letter Name For You Room

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  • #179399

    I have question here …

    When i edit my Room i name my room with capital letter for all of it
    they don’t let me do it

    Example :

    THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD ( Not Accepted )

    until i make it

    The Beautiful World ( Accepted )

    anyhow some room in catelory i still saw they name all capital and work
    for them room

    thank you …


    😆 I dont think theres any trick or anything like that..even if there was a trick to make all caps ..a red admin will be always watching and will either close ur room or tell u to change ur name..but im pretty sure theres NO way to make ur room all caps


    How come i saw some room in paltalk does have all Caps letter


    Thats bullshit anyways.theres nothing wrong will all caps.paltalk rules are so damn stuiped.

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