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How to load a URL page in visual basic 4 form

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  • #191002

    Hi guys. I am kind of new to visual basic and i need some help one how to load a perticuler URL on vb 4 form. I know i have to use webbrowser control some where but i do not where and how ! could an expert help me achive this task? I only want to make an .exe application that onces it loads it shows a perticuler url for example cnn site from with in vb form not IE. Thanks


    Open your componets then find this…….

    click the Apply then Ok then on your ToolBox at the bottom there will be a circle like a earth global icon click it put it on your form and then add this code in the

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Form4.WebBrowser1.Navigate ""
    End Sub

    Heres an exsample:


    Awwwww by the way you can change the form4 part to which ever form you want the browser to load just make sure that component is on the same form.


    Syxx many thanks for helping me. Unfortuently i have visual basic 4 and i do not know where to find the component as showd in the pic ! could u tell me how to do it in visual basic 4 since that is the one i have installed ? i realy need help here to make this .exe file and load wepage from with in vb form.Thanks


    try right clicking on your toolbox which is the bar that has you command button and label ect.. or you can find it by click on project at the top of vb

    or try CTRL + T and that will open it….


    @Syxx wrote:

    try right clicking on your toolbox which is the bar that has you command button and label ect.. or you can find it by click on project at the top of vb

    or try CTRL + T and that will open it….

    syxx thanks for u .Well when i USE ctrl+T on my visual basic 4 i get the following error window:

    after many ok clicks the following window comes but it i do not see Microsoft Internet controles ;

    Could u tell me which option should i use from the above window ?Furthermore, is your code in visual basic 4 or 6 or dot net ?if it is non dot net could i open the project in visual studio 2003?Thanks

    s k 8 e r

    WELL, GET VB6, it’s much easier for people to help. then get the webbrowser page, webbrowser1.navigate “”
    webbrowser1.navigate text1.text

    you can even make back, forward


    fairly simple with vb6 to make a explorer

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