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Looking for code that reads paltalk user names on entry

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  • #187382

    Hi all .Could any one point me to the source code that only reads user names when user enter the room . I am sure the code was part of one of bigger project here but i cant find it. I am looking for a code that is effective in busy rooms where the texts scroll rapidly.


    You might find an example in this source..


    Subclassing the control makes it easy

    APIENTRY UserListProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    WNDPROC wndprocPrev = get_prev_wndproc(hwnd);
    switch (uMsg) {
    case LVM_SETITEM: {
    LVITEM *pLVItem = (LVITEM*) lParam;
    return CallWindowProc(wndprocPrev, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

    No scrolling text effects, never miss a name that’s on the list.
    I did suggest once a methid to reduce loss of lines retrived from text. It’s not full proof unless you clear the text every once in a while, because after some time the text is being cut from the top and there’s no way to tell how much exactly (unless you subclass the text control, then you can tell exactly how much is deleted) simple code too

    if (*LPCSTR(lParam) == 0) {
    DWORD start_sel = 0, end_sel = 0;
    CallWindowProc(wndprocPrev, hwnd, EM_GETSEL,
    WPARAM(&start_sel), LPARAM(&end_sel));
    if (start_sel == 0 && end_sel > 0) {
    last_index -= end_sel;

    this looks interesting… any chance in VB.NET or C# ?


    Thanks all for replies. String i looked at that project but it is not working with paltalk 9.6 build 313 .chike i wish i knew about subclassing …

    The following code used to work but not now. Could any one tell me part should i change to make it work? I tried to use PAT or Jk’s spy 5.1 code generator but still i get zero for “MsgBox test & xxxxxxxxxxx”!! Hope you guys help me .Looking forward for replies.Thanks


    Function GetChatText(ByVal room As String)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim atla As Long
    Dim atlaxwin As Long
    Dim X As Long
    Dim richedita As Long
    Dim Button As Long
    Dim xx As Long
    Dim xxx As Long
    Dim xxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxxxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxxxxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxxxxxxxx As Long
    Dim xxxxxxxxxxxxx As String
    mywindowclass = FindWindow("DlgGroupChat Window Class", room)
    xx = FindWindowEx(mywindowclass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    xxx = FindWindowEx(xx, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    xxxx = FindWindowEx(xxx, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    xxxxx = FindWindowEx(xxxx, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
    xxxxxx = GetWindow(xxxxx, GW_CHILD)
    xxxxxxx = GetWindow(xxxxxx, GW_HWNDNEXT)
    xxxxxxxx = FindWindowEx(xxxxxxx, 0&, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
    xxxxxxxxx = FindWindowEx(xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
    xxxxxxxxxx = FindWindowEx(xxxxxxxxx, 0&, "#32770", vbNullString)
    xxxxxxxxxxx = FindWindowEx(xxxxxxxxxx, 0&, "richedit20a", vbNullString)
    GetChatText = GetRoomText(xxxxxxxxxxx) 'getlastlinecontroltext(richedita)
    MsgBox test & xxxxxxxxxxx
    End Function
    Function GetRoomText(Ihwnd As Long) As String
    Dim Textlen As Long
    Dim Text As String
    Textlen = SendMessage(Ihwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0)
    If Textlen = 0 Then
    GetRoomText = "Enter a Room"
    Exit Function
    End If
    Textlen = Textlen + 1
    Text = Space$(Textlen)
    Textlen = SendMessage(Ihwnd, WM_GETTEXT, Textlen, ByVal Text)
    GetRoomText = Left$(Text, Textlen)
    End Function

    @NVYE wrote:

    this looks interesting… any chance in VB.NET or C# ?

    This code run in paltalk process, so VB.NET or C# are not the languages for the task.
    It can be used by and comunicate with a VB.NET or C# application.


    This code run in paltalk process, so VB.NET or C# are not the languages for the task.
    It can be used by and comunicate with a VB.NET or C# application.

    Sounds like a class library in C++. If you don’t mind can you upload the dll file and show us how to use it.

    I have a very lack knowledge on C++ for the WIN processes hooking. I’m wondering is it comparable with WIN32 and 64 bit ? thanks


    @NVYE wrote:

    Sounds like a class library in C++. If you don’t mind can you upload the dll file and show us how to use it.

    I have a very lack knowledge on C++ for the WIN processes hooking. I’m wondering is it comparable with WIN32 and 64 bit ? thanks

    Not a class library, but API to comunicate with paltalk.
    At it’s current state it would be a bit complex to use in basic. It uses callbacks to send messages from paltalk to the application. The messages are sent over pipes and recived in a differe native thread and require delegates co be sent to the form.
    I can make a simpler DLL that will comunicate using EM_COPYDATA and will be much easier to use in VB.NET


    What is the performance for this API do you know? Is it any faster than using the regular get Text?


    NVYE can you show me a working example of get Text for paltalk 9.6 build 313 and a way to send text too room too ? All old methods stoped working !!


    Of course it’s faster, let alone reliable. To begin with, t doesn’t poll, everything is done only when needed.
    At most there is one context awitch and data copy between processes per event.
    Paltalk send over 50 messages to insert of one line in text, current code use 6 to retrive it so it’s not more then 10% overhead to paltalk which is by itself very little.


    method, if you use Paltalk integration from autopilot … it is working fine. He also provided you with source code. Make sure you check it out. It contained a bunch of useful information. I’m currently using his library for some of my programs.


    @NVYE wrote:

    method, if you use Paltalk integration from autopilot … it is working fine. He also provided you with source code. Make sure you check it out. It contained a bunch of useful information. I’m currently using his library for some of my programs.

    Thanks for suggesting that..Could you point me to which one you are refaring ? I tried a few non worked !!


    Here is the direct link:

    VB 2008 Paltalk Integration

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