yes i do but what it needs is for nice fox and me to team up cos he seems to be very good at cracking the paltalk app if he could make your pal talk interpate the packets that get sent to your pc diferentley eg ( there is a packet that says whaat color your nick is and whether your an admin and tells your paltalk to put a red dot on you and so on ) if we could capture this pacekt and chnge it a little before letting it get to paltalk on your PCthen surly paltalk would act accordinley even blocking the packets that tell you that you are red dotted would be good i have tride this before but it needs a better knowledge of c++ or pascal than i have and vb could do it but it would have to use a third party dll to do say a system wide hook and things like that amongst other things i dont have the time anymore to do this on my own.