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Need send text program

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  • #187493

    I need a source code for send text program with multi font color ,multi font size and type.
    I like to use the program with latest versions of Paltalk.

    many many many thanks 4 helping


    There are many programs that do it with their source code in the just 3 topics down yours, as well as tutorials and many code examples in the forums.
    Don’t expect anyone to write specific code you need, as the old paltalk saying says: this is not burger king and you can’t have it your way.


    chike… get the spoons… i got the gerber…
    Below is an old vb2005 function I used to use to format rtf text to send to pal:

    Private Function TextUpdate(ByVal MyRTB As RichTextBox, _
    ByVal MyBold As Boolean, ByVal MyItal As Boolean, _
    ByVal MyUnd As Boolean, ByVal MyFontSize As Integer) _
    As RichTextBox
    Dim MyStyle As FontStyle
    MyStyle = 0
    If MyBold = True Then
    MyStyle = MyStyle + FontStyle.Bold
    End If
    If MyItal = True Then
    MyStyle = MyStyle + FontStyle.Italic
    End If
    If MyUnd = True Then
    MyStyle = MyStyle + FontStyle.Underline
    End If
    MyRTB.Font = New Font("Tahoma", MyFontSize, MyStyle)
    TextUpdate = MyRTB
    End Function

    pal 9.4 send text
    Music Bot 9 source code
    RSS Bot Code

    that is just 3 source projects, there are alot more if you just look… true you will have to do a bit of reading to see how the code is working, but that is how you learn


    @autopilot wrote:

    chike… get the spoons… i got the gerber…

    We need napkins to whipe it when it runs down the chin.

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