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Paltalk Fast Admin Updated

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  • #188749

    Man wha we need is to get a copy of paltalk 9.0 🙂 to see whas up


    useful code 😆 a suggestion, instead of using file.txt to save admin code, use WriteProfileString and GetProfileString api

    each time the programm loaded, call get and write when click button join. that doing you dont need button save 8)


    ah never use that berofe would that make it faster and more reliable ❓


    I don’t know but if you dont have 1 mb data to store maybe u can think to use that function, habitually I use that to store some value for my setting programm. like save my last form position when is closed…and next time it will load at the same pos 🙂

    Microsoft said this

    In Windows NT, the value is stored to a registry key.

    In Windows 3.x, the value is stored in the WIN.INI file.

    In Windows 95/98, the value is stored in a cached version of WIN.INI.

    it works like registry…key and value


    crap man it sounds complicated hehe 🙂 but if it work wha hte heck i do it 🙂


    nope it’s not complicated man, document on that function u will see..


    set a key

    and read value of that key



    thas it, hehe damn I can defenetly do tha I think I know wha ya mean now 🙂

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