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Paltalk Jpeg Server Maker Beta Edition

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  • #179193

    I Relized That There is Too Much Fake Paltalk Hackers on Paltalk Lolz But I Relized Also That People Who Use Trojans Dont Make Em Look Like Pictures So I Made This Jpeg Server Maker it Makes Trojans Like Original Pictures Forms An Icon To So It Looks Real Remeber This is A Beta Version If Something Dosent Work Please Report Also This Is A trail-Version If U Want The full Version Buy The Key I Will Have It On My Site For Only $19.95 or i can shit u the software free shipping and handleing for as low as 19.95 anyways have fun


    hey mate , can you infrom me how does this thing works and what does it do =?



    well it basicly makes trojans look like a picture files jpeg click browse to open the trojan u want to make as a jpeg click the second browse where u going to save it and write example server.jpeg and save it and that will be ur trojan but now it will look like a picture and it will be undetectible


    u do wat u gotta do dude ok i dont care wat u know and wat u do =D


    cisco it’s a leeched source codehe found on some site which he modifyed he always does that because he is a wannabe you just have to deal with the fact that he is a noob and wants to be something hes not. just dont worry about it. Paying 19.95 for this program is a joke i dont wanna say anything too him because he takes offense to stuff like that. Anyways 19.95 for this shit better off doing what i do if you wanna make cash use a web browser in the app and have to have a ad in it you get paid by having the person use it if they want the ad free one then charge 5.95 a month to get access to ad free programs even if no pays you still make some money off the people who use your programs.


    lol guy, if you want make money, the better thing you can do it’s developp a web template, like phpdb, people just dl zip file and do some setting and they have a web site with mysql database work fine 😆

    I have developped a web hosting directory for a company web hosting. it’ take 1 month but you can earn a thousan of $$$$ with the real thing.

    i dont think ppl will buy some proggi like on this forum. that’s just for fun guys. btw there are too many trojan on net for free. for waht reason we buy a trojan when we can get free o write own our trojan.


    Cisco. Senco. and Nano.

    Make Some Though into Your post;s, Check Your spelling, Make sure they evan make sence, Then Bother Clicking submit, I can;t evan be botherd To read this shit.


    just one qeustion, how is binding an .exe to a .jpeg have anything to do with paltalk?? sorry senco but i am going to have to agree with syxx, this code is proberly ripped and you have just added “paltalk” to the title, i still dont understand what it has to do with paltalk…..

    P.s is this another one of sniip3r’s code??


    ahahahah y guys are too funny for me thats why i dont wanna even waste my time typeing and if anybody wanna do a recearsch on the web any fine codes that u think i stoled do it ill bet any body any money on it and will compare mine codes to that and then yall can talk shit

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