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Paltalk Music Bot 9.7 V.2 Big Updates :)

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  • #175759

    I made some cool updates to Paltalk Music Bot 9.7 V.2 Now you will see the isntead of having a bunch of windows to open greeter, anouncer, ect… it asllput together with tabs, also added two commands to bounce and reddot user.
    rd! nick
    bc! nick

    One thing Under the admin tab the request and music list url settign are located there.

    I put it over here first to see if ya guys find any errors since it was a big move, from bunch of windows to tabs :mrgreen:


    Good job, I have an idea for your playlist, why dont you auto send a txt file with list of songs to user who requests a play list? I have seen a couple of vb codes showing how to auto send files to users on this forum. first a pre message telling to allow the file then say 1 minute later auto send the txt file to user this will allow them enough time to add the bot to the file allow list on there paltalk

    One more suggestion would be to add streaming media to your bot, I am currently working on a beyluxe music bot that will support streaming media because alot of people like to use on-line radio stations these days which makes it more interesting. I notice you use the windows media component for music and if I remember correct this supports streaming media anyway so you wont need to play with winsock to make your connection to the server.


    ThankoO loco For Featured Music Bot 😀 Departure Bro Good suggestions of Playlist and Streaming 💡 :mrgreen:


    Only took you 2 years to do it after you said you would, but better late than never.


    Man Dep the streaming Idea keeps asz, I will defectively add that one I going to see how easy it is. The send file i dont know the shit might slow the program if their is too many send files but I look into it.

    Lol 2 years I know heheh is that I like to take things slow ehheheheh :mrgreen:


    @Admin wrote:

    Man Dep the streaming Idea keeps asz, I will defectively add that one I going to see how easy it is.

    This don’t work if you add a shortcut?
    You need more sleep man you made some odd typos there LOL

    @Admin wrote:

    The send file i dont know the shit might slow the program if their is too many send files but I look into it.

    I wouldn’t bother with it maybe the owner don’t want to give the list.
    Anyway you can keep them in a list with request time, and send it one by one. When d/l is free check if the 1st in line time is up and send. You gotta be prepared for requests from same user, transfer failure and timeout if they afk or log off, best only send if their name is in the room.


    Lol I suk at writing hehehe, I need to take a nap 🙂 Hey I did add the radio streaming already but its just begigning, ya can check it I added it in the podcast tab, basically you enter the url and the name and it adds it to the list, then to play it just double click it on the list 🙂

    check it I added two staions for testing ehhehe, ah is not a setup is a folder :swift:


    Nice update Loco. well done.


    Excellent .. nice improvement !!


    Thanks guys and next week I should add the commands for the radio any suggestion ya can give put them up here, I have some idea of how is going to be :swift:


    Aigh is final 🙂 added the following commands
    radio on! to turn radio on
    radio off! to turn radio off
    st! station where station is the station you want to play 🙂
    here the link

    and that’s it lol is summer time so dont’t know when i be back lol ehheheh unless is an emergency :mrgreen:

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