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PalTalk Profile Viewer -Elite Edition-

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  • #180404

    As i explained i got bored wanted to make something fast to kill the time so i made this its not anything special its buggy but cool uses only 1 Component and everyone with Internet Explorer has it so not a problem.
    by the way i will be realeasing the source to to this as well but i’ll do it on my site and my forum more then welcome to do what you like with it. 😉

    Screen Shot


    I Released the source code to this for thoses who care.i also am thinking about releasing every paltalk program i have made but the anti-ban even there is alot i need to do to it sense it is a messy code and i need to remove all my paltalk-hacks logos ect.. just for the repect of myself and was about.

    you can get the Pre-Built at or you can just go to my forum at and learn how to make the paltalk profile viewer 😉


    Hey Syxx thx for sharing , program works good and is fast



    hey thanks its a lil buggy not sure might be a coding error i did or could be something on paltalk but im glad you liked it 8)


    its proberly paltak syxx, after all how many bugs can you get with 1 line of code hahaha

    ohh thats right elite profile viewer lol

    anyway good to see you programing again and i hope to see more from you

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