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Paltalk room and user

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  • #181589

    Hi loco

    I want to know if it is possible to get admin code of a room or to get the password of a person

    I know its possible because yesterday in my room 5 people came as admin and they gave me red and close the room
    and then they took my nick name


    No it’s not possible. You got an e-mail or message promissing you a green/purple nick and you gave your password and secret answer. Or you used some software that asked you to enter them and was in fact a trojan that sent them to someone.


    @Chike wrote:

    Or you used some software that asked you to enter them and was in fact a trojan that sent them to someone.

    Something like what Chike suggests is the most likely reason your account got hijacked…
    Also, if you save/store your paltalk passwords, an application can retrieve them & send them back to the bot/trojan owner without you ever even knowing. This is why it is important for you to only use apps from reliable coders…


    The password is not enough to still your account you must have the secret answer too. Unless there’s some way around it.

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