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Paltalk Talk Timer

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  • #175781

    Aigh this a program I being workign for a while, lol i mean on and off ehehe, anyways it basically puts a timer on how long a person can talk, and also redots someone the jumps the person if they are not in the waiting like to talk.

    Hey before ya try lol I mus warn ya this is not even beta infact is bellow alpah levels :swift: but since I dont have many friends to try it out I going to use ya guys as testers :mrgreen: so consider this programs as it’s very early stage aigh 😉

    First is mad easy to use all ya need to do as admin is two things is select if ya wanna redot the person that still talkaing after time is over, and how long will the program aloud the person to keep talking after their time is over, those options are in the admin tab.

    A cool feauture in the program is that it has an option to add admins to the the program so when those people talk in the room it wont do nothing, so admins can jump and talk for ever if they want but they must be added or they will be treated as any other user :mrgreen:

    other then that is straigh foward just connect to the room and click start, ah also edit the message where sn% represents the nick of the person and ct% represents the the time they being talking and mt% is the max time they got,

    Also its not a setup exe yet so ya prob will need to add oxc and dll fines from here

    aigh like i say this program is in a very early stage so it will have a lot of bugs 🙁 so dont be mad if it goes crazy on ya lol :pb: :mrgreen:


    :mrgreen: Hey I just tried it with some peeps and is extremely unstable lol so I remove the download for now, in the mean time ya guys can add suggestion, I will try to make a stable version by next week :sn:


    where to download?it would be fun


    nice idea Admin, looks nice also… So whats on the admin tab?

    If you need any help with the bugs just give me yell and ill do my best to help you out


    osamahiep Lol I took it out cause it was acting crazy lol 🙂 but by next week i should have a stable version.

    Dep in the admin tab there is an option if you want to red dot the talker if they stay over time also there is an admin listbox so you can add admins so when they talk they dont have a timer on them 🙂

    Man it just went crazy when I use it by myself on a room alone it works fine but where there like 3 peoples its just keeps redoting the person on top even if its their turn lol, I could put the code in the vb forums but is messy as hell right now then again ya know my codes lol :mrgreen:


    I know what your trying to do, and i seen chike addressed this issue and suggested some improvements, I would do what chike suggested, Anyway I think you might have problems synchronizing you current user list and when a new user takes the mic, start again with the basic code and make sure your actually getting the correct user and then move onto getting the image index for mic, once you have them both fully working then continue coding what you want to do with them(for example timing them how long they on mic for) trust me coding in this way is the only way to make sure you don’t have a heap of messy code and bugs, take it bit by bit and work a game plan out and what you want to achieve and how to achieve it with code.


    Yea man. I wills ee if I can put them all funcions in one 🙂 and the truth this program can be a challenge cause there so many situations lol in a mic timer, like when some one jumps, or if its and amin and what to do if no one is talking ehhehe :mrgreen: but I have kindna an idea how its going to go :swift:


    Aigh i think this is one is stable enuff lol i hope 🙂


    lol yeah the trick is not the coding but the method used to make it work with all the diffrent variables that can happen. thats why a step by step approach will reduce the errors and you will find it will reduce the code needed also.


    Is this VB6? Why am I missing OCXs?


    Chike yeps is vb 6 ah I haven’t made the setup yet 🙂 Was waiting for bugs reports, and man trust me before it had twice the code on the timer lol so i trim it down abit :swift:


    it is awesome! Didn’t know you still stick with VB6.


    Lol I alreayd had most of the code for vb 6, although i did try doing it on vb 2008 but summers is almost here so i would doupt it i would had ever finish it lol man ya have to be in NYc on summer to see why I am almost neva home 🙂


    its good but need some adjusted
    1-first thing you need to make the timer reset after each talker so it start from 00:00 agin
    2-you need to remove the admin anouncer so normal users can run it
    3- make the redot optional so it dosnt have to reddoted unadmin people if they take the mic..make us can choose if it to that or not
    4- can you please send me the source code because i want to learn 😀


    pharaon it should reset after each user, I think I need to check ah cool I can make optional for the peeps no waiting not to be redot but I did it so they dont be jumping peeps but sure I can do tha too and the source code is in these post 😉
    Thanks for the feedback

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