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PORT Scanner + VB code sample

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  • #188113

    hey dudes just thought i would make a contribution to the code section this is a super fast port scanner allows you to scan ports in multiples eg 200 ports at once but hey in this zip i have even put the source code not just the exe let me know if you like this as it is using winsock it might be a little advanced for some folk but hey if nothing else it gives you a view of wot other things VB can be used for 😉 :sn:


    I have’nt downloaded yet but may i make a suggestion?

    instead of winsock you should opt for SckMaster control, its a very good alternative to winsock and the end user wont need to install the winsck.ocx file,

    I would like to see a program that scanns multiple ip ranges of a given port, A find that alot more useful as knowing the SharedNulled port 445 then just scan for ips that have that port open and then try a C shared Null user exploit (gain access)


    hmmmmm now comeon Dep that would be easy for you to do why you asking me when you could do it yourself i know your a good programmer and that seems to be a little basic to scan an ip address range it is easy just in put the for instance 192.168.0 and the have a from value then a to value and increment or decrement the value and at each value scan what ever port you wish to scan i think i have seen this before i think it has already been made but it is a bit of an opertunists way of hacking but any way yer i could make it but i think you could do it so i’ll let you have a crack first then if by some far strech of the imagination you fail i’ll give it a go but the multiples thing look at the code for this and you will see how it works it aint hard when you figer it out 😉


    I know in my head how to go about making something like this but i also know its not as easy as you might think, for example the increment ranges should only go upto 255 then once hitting that increment it has to add an increment to the last incremnt being example

    75.827.126.255 would then goto 75.827.127.000 I got a feeling thats the tricky part, It diffrent with ports because its just incrementing one number until it reaches defind number

    Anyway i might try it, but im not into scanning for ip address with common hack ports open


    year your right but you are wanting to automate the whole thing that aint an ip range you want to go thought all ip’s i know about the 255 thing but hey i tried that too the way to do what your talking about is to split the numbers with the dots in to smaller strings then put them in variables then then get the value of that string and use the strin to do the first bit to 255 then do the increments on the values then put all the values together again in a IP format big mess around but hey if thats what you want thats how to do it. 😉

    any how heres some code to help you along


    I checked it out and its good job for someone who was bord, well done

    But there is alot more to it than just incrementing the numbers.
    Here is an Excellent example i found using multiple winsocks and Ip rages

    Check it out its a very rare Vb source code to find PCanywhere servers
    ofcause this can be chganged to C Null port 444 and 445


    hey man I just gona leave this with you the multiple port scanner was enough and i only gave that cos i have had it made for like a few years and i was clearing my pc and i thought it would be good for you guys to play with and hey if you want me to help you make an ip scanner then tell me the incrementing of the numbers is nothing i know but also the bit where i make it used mutiple winsocks is also easey i told you this before man i may just make this for you and give you the source man i aint no hacker so why would i be making this if not for you guys???? ➡ ➡ 😉 😉


    here give this a try dep mi old mate 😉


    who keeps coming in and steeling the bits in here and not leaveing any posts 👿


    not me, I hate vb


    this is all good shit

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