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Reupload my program: Auto Seen

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  • #180215

    Sometimes you are trying to look for a friend and want to know how long he/she joined / leave the room. Well, good news, AutoSeen has the capacity to be able to keep track of all the USERs from joining and leaving the room, it gives you the DATE and the duration of the time of a user. Let me gives you some of the screen shots:

    PREFIX is the command that you prefer to use. You can use `seen or seen! or watever you like (even in your language).
    SEND TEXT gives you an option to select to the chatroom or as whisper to a chatter.
    CLEAR TEXT auto clear the text chat in the chatroom to free some of the memory usage and usage. If you leave your computer on for a couple days, weeks, or months then this option is very helpful.
    FLOOD CONTROL, seen the users like to flood on a bot, so in order to keep the bot running without disconnected from Paltalk server. FLOOD CONTROL gives you the ability to ignore the command for a certain seconds that you set.
    ON / OFF is easy ENABLE to turn on, DISABLE to turn off.

    HISTORY allows you to clear / delete of the oldest data.

    RESTRICTION gives you the ability to limit to certain nicks that be able to use the bot.

    How to use this bot?
    After you downloaded and installed, load the bot. Select what ever room you’re in. Use “!seen ” that’s it. Easy and simple huh? Remembered if you changed your prefix you must use the command line the same as the prefix, otherwise it doesn’t work.

    Here are some of the examples:

    jjijj LuuHung jjijj: !seen jjjijjj Free Man jjjijjj
    Scripted: Sorry, I have not seen jjjijjj Free Man jjjijjj.

    Scripted: !seen 1-800-doquysu
    Scripted: Last time I have seen 1-800-doquysu was leaving the room on 7/6/2005 6:45:48 PM and the duration is 21 hr 34 min 25 sec ago.

    Please don’t forget to report bugs or request for new feature if needed, so I can build a better program in the future. Thanks all, I hope you like it.

    Download Here


    this doesnt work, maybe it was for an old version of pal, but it doesnt work on 9.0 162 anyways. Unless its me doing something wrong. this would be cool though if it worked on 9.0. Think you guys can get it working for it?


    It’s not going to work. NOTHING will work if you go half a page off from the recent one’s.. Point.

    THIS IS A 14 month old topic.


    oh yeah what a dick lol, i should really stop being a dumbass and check dates on posts lol




    anyways gimme a break i only been on the site 4 days







    id love to learn how to make these sorts of programs but i have no idea, guess id rather test them and use them than make them.

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