java chat still works for me,gangster,get a life,bring some usefull input to the forum of go away,phone hacks pffffffffffffffft grow up,looooool
people here are interested in intelligent input,and clearly you are incapable TeeT TeeT wtf,go home,do some homework,get educated,come back when your a man
noono_2005 dude, Recently some one coded a application to change the blue nickname into green and green nick into blue, and even you can change other user nickname also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
its not a trick if you have green nick and you turn on palalk 5.0 which works now, well atleast for me the nick will be blue and if you come back on current version the nick will be green
as phudi gujjar sayed:
There is one way to do so. if you have green nick name and use old paltalk clients such as paltalk 5 or javatalk to login to paltalk your nick color change to blue. but when you login with new paltalks your nick is green.
That’s the all.