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TWiZA Rooms/Controls Handles 9.2/9.4/9.5 source

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  • #187477


    Private Delegate Function EnumWin(ByVal HwD As Integer, ByVal lparam As Integer) As Boolean
    Private Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32.dll" Alias "EnumWindows" (ByVal FuncCall As EnumWin, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Boolean
    Private Declare Function EnumChildWindows Lib "user32" (ByVal hWndParent As Integer, ByVal FuncCall As EnumWin, ByVal lParam As Integer) As Boolean
    Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal HwnD As Integer, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Integer) As Integer
    Private Function FindRooms(ByVal HwD As Integer, ByVal lparam As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim sClass As String = Space(255)
    Dim nC As Integer = GetClassName(HwD, sClass, 255)
    Dim WinTxt As String
    sClass = Left(sClass, nC)
    If sClass = "DlgGroupChat Window Class" Then
    WinTxt = sGetText(HwD)
    If WinTxt.Contains(" Voice Room") Then
    End If
    End If
    Return True
    End Function
    Private Function FindHwndCTL(ByVal HwD As Integer, ByVal lparam As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim sClass As String = Space(255)
    Dim nC As Integer = GetClassName(HwD, sClass, 255)
    Static i As UShort
    sClass = Left(sClass, nC)
    If sClass = "SysListView32" Then _listHWD = HwD
    If sClass = "RichEdit20A" Then
    i += 1
    If i = 3 Then _sendHWD = HwD
    If i = 4 Then _textHWD = HwD : i = 0 : Return False : Exit Function
    End If
    Return True
    End Function
    EnumWindows(New EnumWin(AddressOf FindRooms), 0)
    EnumChildWindows(HwD, New EnumWin(AddressOf FindHwndCTL), 0)



    this is very nice bro !!! :vexxler:


    However there are several flows in the code.
    First, the callback by no means reaturns “Boolean” which its size is machine implementation dependent. It is a 32 bit integer.
    Second, lParam should be the size of pointer, for 32bit integer works, for 64bit it won’t, beter make it ByRef.
    Also, the purpose of lParam is to enable passing a user defined data to the callback (normaly ByRef) which is the right way to implement it and more relieble as the static UShort that is used in FindHwndCTL may be left in a bad state, and sure is prefered over using global variables.


    Remarks tooken in consideration, Thanks
    I will edit later, anyway the code works good on win xp


    You guys are great !!! Cool …

    I’m trying to get used to C# … because C# is more like JAVA. (JAVA style is great).

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