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Vb net 2010 with Windows 8 RTM

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  • #186731

    Try new Windows 8 Pro RTM today, sendmessage to send the text to room it’s not working anymore.

    Declare Function SendMessage Lib “USER32” Alias “SendMessageA” (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As String) As Integer

    SendMessage(66674, WM_SETTEXT, 0, “test”)

    66674 is the text type handle.

    Anyone has same problem ????


    As I understand it, Windows 8 is built on a new kernal and there is no Win32API. There will be a new API to learn that replaces Win32. I have not looked into it yet, so I cant give you any help on what replaces it.


    @autopilot wrote:

    As I understand it, Windows 8 is built on a new kernal and there is no Win32API

    Win32API is indeed present in win8. The new api is WinRT. It acts like sort of a wrapper for win32 and adds WinRTapi’s for the “metro style” win 8. Use of both api’s will still work as far as I can tell. I read a MSDN paper on this several months ago, but cant find the link now…

    @winter wrote:

    Try new Windows 8 Pro RTM today, sendmessage to send the text to room it’s not working anymore

    Are you sure that its sendmessage that’s causing your program to not work? Check that your “ByVal hwnd As”, in sendmessage, is set to IntPtr and not Integer. Also check that Findwinow is declared IntPtr.

    Your Code:

    Declare Function SendMessage Lib "USER32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As String) As Integer

    Change ByVal hwnd As Integer to IntPtr

    Ive not had any trouble sending text using win8.


    Thank you for your advise String, but it’s not working. I see another application works with Win7 but not Win8 RTM (Pro).

    I can use the SendMessage to send the text in to textbox of Application or NotePad but not Paltalk.


    I found the problem. When you want to use API SendMessage, you need “run as administrator” right.

    Can do it by right click on application or set you application to to default run as Administrator.


    Ahhhh, good deal. Run As Administrator seems to be a cure-all these days lol.


    People may not want to let you application run as administrator, so its not realy a cure.


    @Chike wrote:

    People may not want to let you application run as administrator, so its not realy a cure.

    Yes, but Win8 is more high level, if you want to do a application to integrate to paltalk or something, you have to run as administrator.

    Some of API is still work OK with Win8 but not all


    Is your paltalk running as administrator?
    Download Peocess Explorer and see what level both your application and paltalk are running at, maybe you just run a low privilige?
    See instructions here:
    See Task 2, items 4 to 9


    @Chike wrote:

    See instructions here: … c243760769
    See Task 2, items 4 to 9

    Good read.


    Maybe for some reason paltalk run in higer privilege or they lowered the privilege for .NET apps.
    Doesn’t make sence you’d be able to send message to notepad but not to paltalk.


    @Chike wrote:

    Maybe for some reason paltalk run in higer privilege or they lowered the privilege for .NET apps.
    Doesn’t make sence you’d be able to send message to notepad but not to paltalk.

    If you turn ON UAC in Win8, the security will popup every time when run paltalk but notepad will not.
    I’m not try Windows Sysinternals. to lower Integrity Level of paltalk yet, may me if i do that the API SendMessage will be back working.

    See my attach and tell me i do something wrong.


    Please check if paltalk is marked for running as admin, abd what is paltalk process privilege level with Process Explorer?

    BTW which alert pop up, the blue or yellow?


    @Chike wrote:

    Please check if paltalk is marked for running as admin, abd what is paltalk process privilege level with Process Explorer?

    BTW which alert pop up, the blue or yellow?

    Test which Paltalk 10.2 Build 474.

    in Paltalk folder paltalk.exe is “run as administrator” (by default of Paltalk) see the picture.

    In the Propreties of Paltalk is no marked.

    In the Process Explorer not show Integrity

    If i turn on UAC the Blue message will come up every time when run paltlak.


    I don’t see it marked to tun as administrator.
    Maybe it require administrator privilege at runtime, or does something that require admin privilege, their spying methods now come out 🙂
    I saw the same behavior (not showing privilege level in Process Explorer) with other softwar that demand admin privilege at runtime.

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