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Whats new at Paltalk?

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  • #182015

    Since I haven’t been on Paltalk in about a Year I think whats new on there any changes to the program and servers e_O


    It went emo. Like you. Otherwise, it still sucks.

    Weren’t you only here to ask dep a question then leave?


    Wow Your still a homo huh ghost… Grow up… Yes, Im here to ask dep a question has it been fully answered yet NO! Thus, im still here and you can’t do jack about it dickhead.

    Your ban is about as good as my forum bans easyly bypassed.
    Now mind your own bussiness loser.

    @Ghost wrote:

    It went emo. Like you. Otherwise, it still sucks.

    Weren’t you only here to ask dep a question then leave?


    Yes, I’m still the same homo you’ve always loved and adored.

    For future reference, there is a PM system here and Departure has his own forum and email address. We all know that he’s not the only reason you came here. If you weren’t intending on starting at least something, you’d have gone to his forum or talked to him in private.

    I’m not banning you, nor did I ever plan on it. Why would I?

    Now, as far as minding my own business, me being an admin on this forum makes every topic created my business. Whether you want to believe that or not.


    @Ghost wrote:

    We all know that he’s not the only reason you came here. If you weren’t intending on starting at least something, you’d have gone to his forum or talked to him in private.

    It is this reason that I stand by my suggestion in this post to honor his request and remove his account.
    @autopilot wrote:

    Loco I would like to suggest we hornor this ASSes request and remove his account! Each and every time he creates one!


    @autopilot wrote:

    @Ghost wrote:

    We all know that he’s not the only reason you came here. If you weren’t intending on starting at least something, you’d have gone to his forum or talked to him in private.

    It is this reason that I stand by my suggestion in this post to honor his request and remove his account.
    @autopilot wrote:

    Loco I would like to suggest we hornor this ASSes request and remove his account! Each and every time he creates one!

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. However, knowing the child that syxx is, he’ll keep coming back and coming back until one of us finally gives in. He’s not worth the 6 seconds of my time and the two clicks of my mouse that it takes to ban him each and every time he makes a new account.

    I still don’t see why he made this post seeing as how he stated in this post that “im just here to get in contact with departure then im gone…” He warrants no valid reason to make any other topic.

    Maybe next time he’ll figure out what email is… That is, unless I was right about him starting shit. 😉


    @Ghost wrote:

    @autopilot wrote:

    @Ghost wrote:

    We all know that he’s not the only reason you came here. If you weren’t intending on starting at least something, you’d have gone to his forum or talked to him in private.

    It is this reason that I stand by my suggestion in this post to honor his request and remove his account.
    @autopilot wrote:

    Loco I would like to suggest we hornor this ASSes request and remove his account! Each and every time he creates one!

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. However, knowing the child that syxx is, he’ll keep coming back and coming back until one of us finally gives in. He’s not worth the 6 seconds of my time and the two clicks of my mouse that it takes to ban him each and every time he makes a new account.

    I still don’t see why he made this post seeing as how he stated in this post that “im just here to get in contact with departure then im gone…” He warrants no valid reason to make any other topic.

    Maybe next time he’ll figure out what email is… That is, unless I was right about him starting shit. 😉

    2 clicks?


    @Ponies wrote:

    @Ghost wrote:

    @autopilot wrote:

    @Ghost wrote:

    We all know that he’s not the only reason you came here. If you weren’t intending on starting at least something, you’d have gone to his forum or talked to him in private.

    It is this reason that I stand by my suggestion in this post to honor his request and remove his account.
    @autopilot wrote:

    Loco I would like to suggest we hornor this ASSes request and remove his account! Each and every time he creates one!

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. However, knowing the child that syxx is, he’ll keep coming back and coming back until one of us finally gives in. He’s not worth the 6 seconds of my time and the two clicks of my mouse that it takes to ban him each and every time he makes a new account.

    I still don’t see why he made this post seeing as how he stated in this post that “im just here to get in contact with departure then im gone…” He warrants no valid reason to make any other topic.

    Maybe next time he’ll figure out what email is… That is, unless I was right about him starting shit. 😉

    2 clicks?

    ok, 3


    Yeah your right fag dep does have a site thanks for remainding me now you can delete my account here and i’ll go to his site and WONT be back here ever aslong as your a an admin of this forum Admin you really are a stupid spic you know that making this ass packer an admin because he flames everyone on your forum its shocking that any one ever comes back here.

    Ghost I remember you sucking my dick when I was running Paltalk Hacks I think im more like adord by you you cant even program a room spammer for paltalk the best you can do is make a profile viewer ROFL!!!! Yeah your so cool man. You suck man stick to them paltalk insult rooms because you will never be anything, better then I was at Paltalk.


    This time, I’m taking autopilot’s advice and holding you to your word.

    Also, next time you try to insult someone, at least make it half-legible.

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