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Why this fader VB code dont work on paltalk

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  • #190120

    Well I bein trying to figure this out for couple of days I got this code from vb source.

    Anyways here the module

    'by monk-e-god (e-mail:
    'aDRaMoLEk (e-mail:

    'version: 3
    'updates: The fade preview sub was
    'highly improved by aDRaMoLEk. It no
    'longer requires a richtext box or an
    'invisible textbox. It simply requires
    'a picture box. You can now also preview
    'wavy fades and the sub automatically
    'interprets bold, italic, underline and
    'strikethru! I also added a function
    'called MultiFade where you give it an
    'array of colors and you can fade as many
    'different colors as you want in one
    'function! I also added a FormFade sub
    'where you choose the colors to fade.

    'This is the best fader bas available
    'with tons of unique and cool features.
    'This bas isn't jam packed with every
    'color combination in its own function
    'taking up tons of space, however this
    'bas allows you more combinations than
    'ever before. You get to choose to fade
    'by color or by Red Green and Blue
    'values. With as many colors as you want
    'per fade the combinations are endless.
    'This bas also contains unique fade
    'preview subs that allows you to view
    'fades in a picture or RichText box.

    'Please do not steal our subs and functions,
    'there is no reason to add them to your
    'bas, why not just use my bas too instead
    'of being a code thief. And also please
    'add me to your greets, especially if
    'your prog is just a fader, I mean with
    'this bas you could make a really leet
    'fader very very easily.
    '• monk-e-god •

    'Some subs in this bas may not be
    'self-explanatory at first because
    'they require you to type in the red,
    'green and blue values of each color.
    'Some of you might not know the RGB
    'values of certain colors so here are
    'a few:

    'Red = R: 255, G: 0, B:0
    'Green = R: 0, G: 255, B:0
    'Blue = R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
    'Yellow = R: 255, G: 255, B: 0
    'White = R: 255, G: 255, B: 255
    'Black = R: 0, G: 0, B: 0

    'So to fade from Blue to Black to
    'Blue you would do:
    'FadedText$ = FadeThreeColor(0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, Text2Fade$, False)
    'Or you could use the easier subs by
    'FadedText$ = FadeByColor3(FADE_BLUE, FADE_BLACK, FADE_BLUE, Text2Fade$, False)
    'To make the text wavy all you have
    'to do is set the last parameter(Wavy)
    'to True.

    'To use this you need to declare an array
    'and fill it with the colors to fade.

    'Dim ColorArray(4)
    'ColorArray(1) = FADE_RED
    'ColorArray(2) = FADE_BLACK
    'ColorArray(3) = FADE_BLUE
    'ColorArray(4) = FADE_BLACK
    'FadedText$ = MultiFade(4, ColorArray, "The Text You Want To Fade", False)

    Declare Function sendmessagebynum& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
    Public Declare Function findwindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
    Public Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
    Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
    Public Declare Function SendMessageLong& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
    Public Declare Function SendMessageByString Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long
    Public Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long
    Public Const FADE_RED = &HFF&
    Public Const FADE_GREEN = &HFF00&
    Public Const FADE_BLUE = &HFF0000
    Public Const FADE_YELLOW = &HFFFF&
    Public Const FADE_WHITE = &HFFFFFF
    Public Const FADE_BLACK = &H0&
    Public Const FADE_PURPLE = &HFF00FF
    Public Const FADE_GREY = &HC0C0C0
    Public Const FADE_PINK = &HFF80FF
    Public Const FADE_TURQUOISE = &HC0C000

    Red As Long
    Green As Long
    Blue As Long
    End Type
    Sub FormFade(FormX As Form, Color1, Color2)
    'by monk-e-god (modified from a sub by MaRZ)
    B1 = GetRGB(Colr1).Blue
    G1 = GetRGB(Colr1).Green
    R1 = GetRGB(Colr1).Red
    B2 = GetRGB(Colr2).Blue
    G2 = GetRGB(Colr2).Green
    R2 = GetRGB(Colr2).Red

    On Error Resume Next
    Dim intLoop As Integer
    FormX.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
    FormX.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
    FormX.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    FormX.DrawWidth = 2
    FormX.ScaleHeight = 256
    For intLoop = 0 To 255
    FormX.Line (0, intLoop)-(Screen.Width, intLoop - 1), RGB(((R2 - R1) / 255 * intLoop) + R1, ((G2 - G1) / 255 * intLoop) + G1, ((B2 - B1) / 255 * intLoop) + B1), B
    Next intLoop
    End Sub

    Sub FadeForm(FormX As Form, Colr1, Colr2)
    'by monk-e-god (modified from a sub by MaRZ)
    B1 = GetRGB(Colr1).Blue
    G1 = GetRGB(Colr1).Green
    R1 = GetRGB(Colr1).Red
    B2 = GetRGB(Colr2).Blue
    G2 = GetRGB(Colr2).Green
    R2 = GetRGB(Colr2).Red

    On Error Resume Next
    Dim intLoop As Integer
    FormX.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
    FormX.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
    FormX.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    FormX.DrawWidth = 2
    FormX.ScaleHeight = 256
    For intLoop = 0 To 255
    FormX.Line (0, intLoop)-(Screen.Width, intLoop - 1), RGB(((R2 - R1) / 255 * intLoop) + R1, ((G2 - G1) / 255 * intLoop) + G1, ((B2 - B1) / 255 * intLoop) + B1), B
    Next intLoop
    End Sub
    Sub FadePreview(PicB As PictureBox, ByVal FadedText As String)
    'by aDRaMoLEk
    FadedText$ = Replacer(FadedText$, Chr(13), "+chr13+")
    OSM = PicB.ScaleMode
    PicB.ScaleMode = 3
    TextOffX = 0: TextOffY = 0
    StartX = 2: StartY = 0
    PicB.Font = "Arial": PicB.FontSize = 10
    PicB.FontBold = False: PicB.FontItalic = False: PicB.FontUnderline = False: PicB.FontStrikethru = False
    PicB.AutoRedraw = True: PicB.ForeColor = 0&: PicB.Cls
    For x = 1 To Len(FadedText$)
    c$ = Mid$(FadedText$, x, 1)
    If c$ = "<" Then
    TagStart = x + 1
    TagEnd = InStr(x + 1, FadedText$, ">") - 1
    T$ = LCase$(Mid$(FadedText$, TagStart, (TagEnd - TagStart) + 1))
    x = TagEnd + 1
    Select Case T$
    Case "u"
    PicB.FontUnderline = True
    Case "/u"
    PicB.FontUnderline = False
    Case "s"
    PicB.FontStrikethru = True
    Case "/s"
    PicB.FontStrikethru = False
    Case "b" 'start bold
    PicB.FontBold = True
    Case "/b" 'stop bold
    PicB.FontBold = False
    Case "i" 'start italic
    PicB.FontItalic = True
    Case "/i" 'stop italic
    PicB.FontItalic = False
    Case "sup" 'start superscript
    TextOffY = -1
    Case "/sup" 'end superscript
    TextOffY = 0
    Case "sub" 'start subscript
    TextOffY = 1
    Case "/sub" 'end subscript
    TextOffY = 0
    Case Else
    If Left$(T$, 10) = "font color" Then 'change font color
    ColorStart = InStr(T$, "#")
    ColorString$ = Mid$(T$, ColorStart + 1, 6)
    RedString$ = Left$(ColorString$, 2)
    GreenString$ = Mid$(ColorString$, 3, 2)
    BlueString$ = Right$(ColorString$, 2)
    RV = Hex2Dec!(RedString$)
    GV = Hex2Dec!(GreenString$)
    BV = Hex2Dec!(BlueString$)
    PicB.ForeColor = RGB(RV, GV, BV)
    End If
    If Left$(T$, 9) = "font face" Then 'added by monk-e-god
    Dim Y
    Y = Y + 1
    End If
    End Select
    Else 'normal text
    If c$ = "+" And Mid(FadedText$, x, 7) = "+chr13+" Then ' added by monk-e-god
    StartY = StartY + 16
    TextOffX = 0
    x = x + 6
    PicB.CurrentY = StartY + TextOffY
    PicB.CurrentX = StartX + TextOffX
    PicB.Print c$
    TextOffX = TextOffX + PicB.TextWidth(c$)
    End If
    End If
    Next x
    PicB.ScaleMode = OSM
    End Sub

    Function GetRGB(ByVal CVal As Long) As COLORRGB
    GetRGB.Blue = Int(CVal / 65536)
    GetRGB.Green = Int((CVal - (65536 * GetRGB.Blue)) / 256)
    GetRGB.Red = CVal - (65536 * GetRGB.Blue + 256 * GetRGB.Green)
    End Function
    Sub FadePreview2(RichTB As Control, ByVal FadedText As String)
    'Modified by monk-e-god for use in a RichTextBox

    'NOTE: RichTB must be a RichTextBox.
    'NOTE: You cannot preview wavy fades with this sub.
    Dim StartPlace%
    StartPlace% = 0
    RichTB.SelStart = StartPlace%
    RichTB.Font = "Arial": RichTB.SelFontSize = 10
    RichTB.SelBold = False: RichTB.SelItalic = False: RichTB.SelUnderline = False: RichTB.SelStrikeThru = False
    RichTB.SelColor = 0&: RichTB.Text = ""
    For x = 1 To Len(FadedText$)
    c$ = Mid$(FadedText$, x, 1)
    RichTB.SelStart = StartPlace%
    RichTB.SelLength = 1
    If c$ = "<" Then
    TagStart = x + 1
    TagEnd = InStr(x + 1, FadedText$, ">") - 1
    T$ = LCase$(Mid$(FadedText$, TagStart, (TagEnd - TagStart) + 1))
    x = TagEnd + 1
    RichTB.SelStart = StartPlace%
    RichTB.SelLength = 1
    Select Case T$
    Case "u"
    RichTB.SelUnderline = True
    Case "/u"
    RichTB.SelUnderline = False
    Case "s"
    RichTB.SelStrikeThru = True
    Case "/s"
    RichTB.SelStrikeThru = False
    Case "b" 'start bold
    RichTB.SelBold = True
    Case "/b" 'stop bold
    RichTB.SelBold = False
    Case "i" 'start italic
    RichTB.SelItalic = True
    Case "/i" 'stop italic
    RichTB.SelItalic = False

    Case Else
    If Left$(T$, 10) = "font color" Then 'change font color
    ColorStart = InStr(T$, "#")
    ColorString$ = Mid$(T$, ColorStart + 1, 6)
    RedString$ = Left$(ColorString$, 2)
    GreenString$ = Mid$(ColorString$, 3, 2)
    BlueString$ = Right$(ColorString$, 2)
    RV = Hex2Dec!(RedString$)
    GV = Hex2Dec!(GreenString$)
    BV = Hex2Dec!(BlueString$)
    RichTB.SelStart = StartPlace%
    RichTB.SelColor = RGB(RV, GV, BV)
    End If
    If Left$(T$, 9) = "font face" Then
    fontstart% = InStr(T$, Chr(34))
    dafont$ = Right(T$, Len(T$) - fontstart%)
    RichTB.SelStart = StartPlace%
    RichTB.SelFontName = dafont$
    End If
    End Select
    Else 'normal text
    RichTB.SelText = RichTB.SelText + c$
    StartPlace% = StartPlace% + 1
    RichTB.SelStart = StartPlace%
    End If
    Next x
    End Sub

    Function Hex2Dec!(ByVal strHex$)
    'by aDRaMoLEk
    If Len(strHex$) > 8 Then strHex$ = Right$(strHex$, 8)
    Hex2Dec = 0
    For x = Len(strHex$) To 1 Step -1
    CurCharVal = GETVAL(Mid$(UCase$(strHex$), x, 1))
    Hex2Dec = Hex2Dec + CurCharVal * 16 ^ (Len(strHex$) - x)
    Next x
    End Function

    Function GETVAL%(ByVal strLetter$)
    'by aDRaMoLEk
    Select Case strLetter$
    Case "0"
    GETVAL = 0
    Case "1"
    GETVAL = 1
    Case "2"
    GETVAL = 2
    Case "3"
    GETVAL = 3
    Case "4"
    GETVAL = 4
    Case "5"
    GETVAL = 5
    Case "6"
    GETVAL = 6
    Case "7"
    GETVAL = 7
    Case "8"
    GETVAL = 8
    Case "9"
    GETVAL = 9
    Case "A"
    GETVAL = 10
    Case "B"
    GETVAL = 11
    Case "C"
    GETVAL = 12
    Case "D"
    GETVAL = 13
    Case "E"
    GETVAL = 14
    Case "F"
    GETVAL = 15
    End Select
    End Function

    Function CLRBars(RedBar As Control, GreenBar As Control, BlueBar As Control)
    'This gets a color from 3 scroll bars
    CLRBars = RGB(RedBar.Value, GreenBar.Value, BlueBar.Value)

    'Put this in the scroll event of the
    '3 scroll bars RedScroll1, GreenScroll1,
    '& BlueScroll1. It changes the backcolor
    'of ColorLbl when you scroll the bars
    'ColorLbl.BackColor = CLRBars(RedScroll1, GreenScroll1, BlueScroll1)

    End Function

    Function FadeByColor10(Colr1, Colr2, Colr3, Colr4, Colr5, Colr6, Colr7, Colr8, Colr9, Colr10, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    dacolor1$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr1)
    dacolor2$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr2)
    dacolor3$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr3)
    dacolor4$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr4)
    dacolor5$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr5)
    dacolor6$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr6)
    dacolor7$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr7)
    dacolor8$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr8)
    dacolor9$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr9)
    dacolor10$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr10)

    rednum1% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor1$, 2))
    greennum1% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor1$, 3, 2))
    bluenum1% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor1$, 2))
    rednum2% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor2$, 2))
    greennum2% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor2$, 3, 2))
    bluenum2% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor2$, 2))
    rednum3% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor3$, 2))
    greennum3% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor3$, 3, 2))
    bluenum3% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor3$, 2))
    rednum4% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor4$, 2))
    greennum4% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor4$, 3, 2))
    bluenum4% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor4$, 2))
    rednum5% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor5$, 2))
    greennum5% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor5$, 3, 2))
    bluenum5% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor5$, 2))
    rednum6% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor6$, 2))
    greennum6% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor6$, 3, 2))
    bluenum6% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor6$, 2))
    rednum7% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor7$, 2))
    greennum7% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor7$, 3, 2))
    bluenum7% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor7$, 2))
    rednum8% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor8$, 2))
    greennum8% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor8$, 3, 2))
    bluenum8% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor8$, 2))
    rednum9% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor9$, 2))
    greennum9% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor9$, 3, 2))
    bluenum9% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor9$, 2))
    rednum10% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor10$, 2))
    greennum10% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor10$, 3, 2))
    bluenum10% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor10$, 2))

    FadeByColor10 = FadeTenColor(rednum1%, greennum1%, bluenum1%, rednum2%, greennum2%, bluenum2%, rednum3%, greennum3%, bluenum3%, rednum4%, greennum4%, bluenum4%, rednum5%, greennum5%, bluenum5%, rednum6%, greennum6%, bluenum6%, rednum7%, greennum7%, bluenum7%, rednum8%, greennum8%, bluenum8%, rednum9%, greennum9%, bluenum9%, rednum10%, greennum10%, bluenum10%, thetext, Wavy)

    End Function

    Sub FadeFormGreen(vForm As Form)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim intLoop As Integer
    vForm.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
    vForm.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
    vForm.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    vForm.DrawWidth = 2
    vForm.ScaleHeight = 256
    For intLoop = 0 To 255
    vForm.Line (0, intLoop)-(Screen.Width, intLoop - 1), RGB(0, 255 - intLoop, 0), B
    Next intLoop
    End Sub

    Function FadeByColor2(Colr1, Colr2, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    dacolor1$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr1)
    dacolor2$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr2)

    rednum1% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor1$, 2))
    greennum1% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor1$, 3, 2))
    bluenum1% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor1$, 2))
    rednum2% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor2$, 2))
    greennum2% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor2$, 3, 2))
    bluenum2% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor2$, 2))

    FadeByColor2 = FadeTwoColor(rednum1%, greennum1%, bluenum1%, rednum2%, greennum2%, bluenum2%, thetext, Wavy)

    End Function
    Function GreenBlackGreen(Text1)
    a = Len(Text1)
    For B = 1 To a
    c = Left(Text1, B)
    D = Right(c, 1)
    E = 510 / a
    F = E * B
    If F > 255 Then F = (255 - (F - 255))
    G = RGB(0, 255 - F, 0)
    H = RGBtoHEX(G)
    Msg = Msg & "" & D
    Next B
    GreenBlackGreen = Msg
    End Function

    Public Sub ChatSend(Chat As String)
    Dim room As Long, AORich As Long, AORich2 As Long
    room& = FindRoom&
    AORich& = FindWindowEx(room, 0&, "RICHCNTL", vbNullString)
    AORich2& = FindWindowEx(room, AORich, "RICHCNTL", vbNullString)
    Call SendMessageByString(AORich2, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Chat$)
    Call SendMessageLong(AORich2, WM_CHAR, ENTER_KEY, 0&)
    End Sub
    Public Sub MoveForm(frm As Form)
    Dim x
    x = SendMessage(frm.hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0&)
    'Put in a Label or Picbox in MouseDown:
    'MoveForm me

    End Sub
    Sub FadeFormBlue(vForm As Form)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim intLoop As Integer
    vForm.DrawStyle = vbInsideSolid
    vForm.DrawMode = vbCopyPen
    vForm.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    vForm.DrawWidth = 2
    vForm.ScaleHeight = 256
    For intLoop = 0 To 255
    vForm.Line (0, intLoop)-(Screen.Width, intLoop - 1), RGB(0, 0, 255 - intLoop), B
    Next intLoop
    End Sub
    Function FadeByColor4(Colr1, Colr2, Colr3, Colr4, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    dacolor1$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr1)
    dacolor2$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr2)
    dacolor3$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr3)
    dacolor4$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr4)

    rednum1% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor1$, 2))
    greennum1% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor1$, 3, 2))
    bluenum1% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor1$, 2))
    rednum2% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor2$, 2))
    greennum2% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor2$, 3, 2))
    bluenum2% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor2$, 2))
    rednum3% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor3$, 2))
    greennum3% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor3$, 3, 2))
    bluenum3% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor3$, 2))
    rednum4% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor4$, 2))
    greennum4% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor4$, 3, 2))
    bluenum4% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor4$, 2))

    FadeByColor4 = FadeFourColor(rednum1%, greennum1%, bluenum1%, rednum2%, greennum2%, bluenum2%, rednum3%, greennum3%, bluenum3%, rednum4%, greennum4%, bluenum4%, thetext, Wavy)

    End Function

    Function FadeByColor5(Colr1, Colr2, Colr3, Colr4, Colr5, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    dacolor1$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr1)
    dacolor2$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr2)
    dacolor3$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr3)
    dacolor4$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr4)
    dacolor5$ = RGBtoHEX(Colr5)

    rednum1% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor1$, 2))
    greennum1% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor1$, 3, 2))
    bluenum1% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor1$, 2))
    rednum2% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor2$, 2))
    greennum2% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor2$, 3, 2))
    bluenum2% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor2$, 2))
    rednum3% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor3$, 2))
    greennum3% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor3$, 3, 2))
    bluenum3% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor3$, 2))
    rednum4% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor4$, 2))
    greennum4% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor4$, 3, 2))
    bluenum4% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor4$, 2))
    rednum5% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor5$, 2))
    greennum5% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor5$, 3, 2))
    bluenum5% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor5$, 2))

    FadeByColor5 = FadeFiveColor(rednum1%, greennum1%, bluenum1%, rednum2%, greennum2%, bluenum2%, rednum3%, greennum3%, bluenum3%, rednum4%, greennum4%, bluenum4%, rednum5%, greennum5%, bluenum5%, thetext, Wavy)

    End Function

    Function FadeFiveColor(R1%, G1%, B1%, R2%, G2%, B2%, R3%, G3%, B3%, R4%, G4%, B4%, R5%, G5%, B5%, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    Dim WaveState%
    Dim WaveHTML$
    WaveState = 0

    textlen% = Len(thetext)

    Do: DoEvents
    fstlen% = fstlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    seclen% = seclen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    thrdlen% = thrdlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    frthlen% = frthlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    Loop Until textlen% < 1

    part1$ = Left(thetext, fstlen%)
    part2$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + 1, seclen%)
    part3$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + seclen% + 1, thrdlen%)
    part4$ = Right(thetext, frthlen%)

    textlen% = Len(part1$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part1$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B2 - B1) / textlen% * i) + B1, ((G2 - G1) / textlen% * i) + G1, ((R2 - R1) / textlen% * i) + R1)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded1$ = Faded1$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i
    textlen% = Len(part2$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part2$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B3 - B2) / textlen% * i) + B2, ((G3 - G2) / textlen% * i) + G2, ((R3 - R2) / textlen% * i) + R2)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded2$ = Faded2$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part3$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part3$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B4 - B3) / textlen% * i) + B3, ((G4 - G3) / textlen% * i) + G3, ((R4 - R3) / textlen% * i) + R3)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded3$ = Faded3$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part4$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part4$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B5 - B4) / textlen% * i) + B4, ((G5 - G4) / textlen% * i) + G4, ((R5 - R4) / textlen% * i) + R4)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded4$ = Faded4$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    FadeFiveColor = Faded1$ + Faded2$ + Faded3$ + Faded4$
    End Function
    Function FadeTenColor(R1%, G1%, B1%, R2%, G2%, B2%, R3%, G3%, B3%, R4%, G4%, B4%, R5%, G5%, B5%, R6%, G6%, B6%, R7%, G7%, B7%, R8%, G8%, B8%, R9%, G9%, B9%, R10%, G10%, B10%, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    Dim WaveState%
    Dim WaveHTML$
    WaveState = 0

    textlen% = Len(thetext)

    Do: DoEvents
    fstlen% = fstlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    seclen% = seclen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    thrdlen% = thrdlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    frthlen% = frthlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    fithlen% = fithlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    sixlen% = sixlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    seclen% = seclen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    eightlen% = eightlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    ninelen% = ninelen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    Loop Until textlen% < 1

    part1$ = Left(thetext, fstlen%)
    part2$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + 1, seclen%)
    part3$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + seclen% + 1, thrdlen%)
    part4$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + seclen% + thrdlen% + 1, frthlen%)
    part5$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + seclen% + thrdlen% + frthlen% + 1, fithlen%)
    part6$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + seclen% + thrdlen% + frthlen% + fithlen% + 1, sixlen%)
    part7$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + seclen% + thrdlen% + frthlen% + fithlen% + sixlen% + 1, sevlen%)
    part8$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + seclen% + thrdlen% + frthlen% + fithlen% + sixlen% + sevlen% + 1, eightlen%)
    part9$ = Right(thetext, ninelen%)

    textlen% = Len(part1$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part1$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B2 - B1) / textlen% * i) + B1, ((G2 - G1) / textlen% * i) + G1, ((R2 - R1) / textlen% * i) + R1)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded1$ = Faded1$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i
    textlen% = Len(part2$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part2$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B3 - B2) / textlen% * i) + B2, ((G3 - G2) / textlen% * i) + G2, ((R3 - R2) / textlen% * i) + R2)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded2$ = Faded2$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part3$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part3$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B4 - B3) / textlen% * i) + B3, ((G4 - G3) / textlen% * i) + G3, ((R4 - R3) / textlen% * i) + R3)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded3$ = Faded3$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part4$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part4$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B5 - B4) / textlen% * i) + B4, ((G5 - G4) / textlen% * i) + G4, ((R5 - R4) / textlen% * i) + R4)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded4$ = Faded4$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part5$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part5$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B6 - B5) / textlen% * i) + B5, ((G6 - G5) / textlen% * i) + G5, ((R6 - R5) / textlen% * i) + R5)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded5$ = Faded5$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part6$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part6$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B7 - B6) / textlen% * i) + B6, ((G7 - G6) / textlen% * i) + G6, ((R7 - R6) / textlen% * i) + R6)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded6$ = Faded6$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part7$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part7$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B8 - B7) / textlen% * i) + B7, ((G8 - G7) / textlen% * i) + G7, ((R8 - R7) / textlen% * i) + R7)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded7$ = Faded7$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part8$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part8$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B9 - B8) / textlen% * i) + B8, ((G9 - G8) / textlen% * i) + G8, ((R9 - R8) / textlen% * i) + R8)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded8$ = Faded8$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part9$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part9$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B10 - B9) / textlen% * i) + B9, ((G10 - G9) / textlen% * i) + G9, ((R10 - R9) / textlen% * i) + R9)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded9$ = Faded9$ + "
    " + TheHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    FadeTenColor = Faded1$ + Faded2$ + Faded3$ + Faded4$ + Faded5$ + Faded6$ + Faded7$ + Faded8$ + Faded9$
    End Function

    Function InverseColor(OldColor)
    'by monk-e-god
    dacolor$ = RGBtoHEX(OldColor)
    RedX% = Val("&H" + Right(dacolor$, 2))
    GreenX% = Val("&H" + Mid(dacolor$, 3, 2))
    BlueX% = Val("&H" + Left(dacolor$, 2))
    newred% = 255 - RedX%
    newgreen% = 255 - GreenX%
    newblue% = 255 - BlueX%
    InverseColor = RGB(newred%, newgreen%, newblue%)

    End Function

    Function Replacer(TheStr As String, This As String, WithThis As String)
    'by monk-e-god
    Dim STRwo13s As String
    STRwo13s = TheStr
    Do While InStr(1, STRwo13s, This)
    thepos% = InStr(1, STRwo13s, This)
    STRwo13s = Left(STRwo13s, (thepos% - 1)) + WithThis + Right(STRwo13s, Len(STRwo13s) - (thepos% + Len(This) - 1))

    Replacer = STRwo13s
    End Function
    Function RGBtoHEX(RGB)
    'heh, I didnt make this one...
    a$ = Hex(RGB)
    B% = Len(a$)
    If B% = 5 Then a$ = "0" & a$
    If B% = 4 Then a$ = "00" & a$
    If B% = 3 Then a$ = "000" & a$
    If B% = 2 Then a$ = "0000" & a$
    If B% = 1 Then a$ = "00000" & a$
    RGBtoHEX = a$
    End Function

    Function Rich2HTML(RichTXT As Control, StartPos%, EndPos%)
    'by monk-e-god
    Dim Bolded As Boolean
    Dim Undered As Boolean
    Dim Striked As Boolean
    Dim Italiced As Boolean
    Dim LastCRL As Long
    Dim LastFont As String
    Dim HTMLString As String

    For posi% = StartPos To EndPos
    RichTXT.SelStart = posi%
    RichTXT.SelLength = 1

    If Bolded <> RichTXT.SelBold Or posi% = StartPos Then
    If RichTXT.SelBold = True Then
    HTMLString = HTMLString + ""
    Bolded = True
    HTMLString = HTMLString + "
    Bolded = False
    End If
    End If

    If Undered <> RichTXT.SelUnderline Or posi% = StartPos Then
    If RichTXT.SelUnderline = True Then
    HTMLString = HTMLString + ""
    Undered = True
    HTMLString = HTMLString + "
    Undered = False
    End If
    End If

    If Striked <> RichTXT.SelStrikeThru Or posi% = StartPos Then
    If RichTXT.SelStrikeThru = True Then
    HTMLString = HTMLString + ""
    Striked = True
    HTMLString = HTMLString + "
    Striked = False
    End If
    End If

    If Italiced <> RichTXT.SelItalic Or posi% = StartPos Then
    If RichTXT.SelItalic = True Then
    HTMLString = HTMLString + ""
    Italiced = True
    HTMLString = HTMLString + "
    Italiced = False
    End If
    End If

    If LastCRL <> RichTXT.SelColor Or posi% = StartPos Then
    ColorX = RGB(GetRGB(RichTXT.SelColor).Blue, GetRGB(RichTXT.SelColor).Green, GetRGB(RichTXT.SelColor).Red)
    colorhex = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)
    HTMLString = HTMLString + "
    LastCRL = RichTXT.SelColor
    End If

    If LastFont <> RichTXT.SelFontName Then
    HTMLString = HTMLString + "
    LastFont = RichTXT.SelFontName
    End If

    HTMLString = HTMLString + RichTXT.SelText
    Next posi%

    Rich2HTML = HTMLString

    End Function

    Function HTMLtoRGB(TheHTML$)
    'by monk-e-god
    'converts HTML such as 0000FF to an
    'RGB value like &HFF0000 so you can
    'use it in the FadeByColor functions
    If Left(TheHTML$, 1) = "#" Then TheHTML$ = Right(TheHTML$, 6)

    RedX$ = Left(TheHTML$, 2)
    GreenX$ = Mid(TheHTML$, 3, 2)
    BlueX$ = Right(TheHTML$, 2)
    rgbhex$ = "&H00" + BlueX$ + GreenX$ + RedX$ + "&"
    HTMLtoRGB = Val(rgbhex$)
    End Function
    Function FadeFourColor(R1%, G1%, B1%, R2%, G2%, B2%, R3%, G3%, B3%, R4%, G4%, B4%, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    Dim WaveState%
    Dim WaveHTML$
    WaveState = 0

    textlen% = Len(thetext)

    Do: DoEvents
    fstlen% = fstlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    seclen% = seclen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    thrdlen% = thrdlen% + 1: textlen% = textlen% - 1
    If textlen% < 1 Then Exit Do
    Loop Until textlen% < 1

    part1$ = Left(thetext, fstlen%)
    part2$ = Mid(thetext, fstlen% + 1, seclen%)
    part3$ = Right(thetext, thrdlen%)

    textlen% = Len(part1$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part1$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B2 - B1) / textlen% * i) + B1, ((G2 - G1) / textlen% * i) + G1, ((R2 - R1) / textlen% * i) + R1)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded1$ = Faded1$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i
    textlen% = Len(part2$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part2$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B3 - B2) / textlen% * i) + B2, ((G3 - G2) / textlen% * i) + G2, ((R3 - R2) / textlen% * i) + R2)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded2$ = Faded2$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    textlen% = Len(part3$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part3$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B4 - B3) / textlen% * i) + B3, ((G4 - G3) / textlen% * i) + G3, ((R4 - R3) / textlen% * i) + R3)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded3$ = Faded3$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    FadeFourColor = Faded1$ + Faded2$ + Faded3$
    End Function

    Function FadeThreeColor(thetext$, R1%, G1%, B1%, R2%, G2%, B2%, R3%, G3%, B3%, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    Dim WaveState%
    Dim WaveHTML$
    WaveState = 0

    textlen% = Len(thetext)
    fstlen% = (Int(textlen%) / 2)
    part1$ = Left(thetext, fstlen%)
    part2$ = Right(thetext, textlen% - fstlen%)
    textlen% = Len(part1$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part1$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B2 - B1) / textlen% * i) + B1, ((G2 - G1) / textlen% * i) + G1, ((R2 - R1) / textlen% * i) + R1)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded1$ = Faded1$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i
    textlen% = Len(part2$)
    For i = 1 To textlen%
    TextDone$ = Left(part2$, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B3 - B2) / textlen% * i) + B2, ((G3 - G2) / textlen% * i) + G2, ((R3 - R2) / textlen% * i) + R2)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded2$ = Faded2$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i

    FadeThreeColor = Faded1$ + Faded2$
    End Function

    Function FadeTwoColor(R1%, G1%, B1%, R2%, G2%, B2%, thetext$, Wavy As Boolean)
    'by monk-e-god
    Dim WaveState%
    Dim WaveHTML$
    WaveState = 0

    textlen$ = Len(thetext)
    For i = 1 To textlen$
    TextDone$ = Left(thetext, i)
    LastChr$ = Right(TextDone$, 1)
    ColorX = RGB(((B2 - B1) / textlen$ * i) + B1, ((G2 - G1) / textlen$ * i) + G1, ((R2 - R1) / textlen$ * i) + R1)
    colorx2 = RGBtoHEX(ColorX)

    If Wavy = True Then
    WaveState = WaveState + 1
    If WaveState > 4 Then WaveState = 1
    If WaveState = 1 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 2 Then WaveHTML = "
    If WaveState = 3 Then WaveHTML = ""
    If WaveState = 4 Then WaveHTML = "
    WaveHTML = ""
    End If

    Faded$ = Faded$ + "
    " + WaveHTML + LastChr$
    Next i
    FadeTwoColor = Faded$
    End Function

    And then this goes in a timer so that the fader fades automatically

    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    If Option1.Value = False Then
    Text2 = "" & FadeByColor2(Label1.BackColor, Label2.BackColor, Text1, False)
    Call FadePreview2(RichTextBox1, Text2)
    Text2 = "
    " & FadeByColor2(Label1.BackColor, Label2.BackColor, Text1, True)
    Call FadePreview2(RichTextBox1, Text2)
    End If
    End Sub

    and to choose the color the code is this

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    On Error GoTo Error_Event:
    Label1.BackColor = CommonDialog1.Color
    Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()
    On Error GoTo Error_Event:
    Label2.BackColor = CommonDialog2.Color
    Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Everything works fine its sends the fade to the room, but if the text is more then 5 letters it gives the eror of its too long or character not supported, lol wtf is that 🙄

    s k 8 e r

    maybe you didnt code it for the colors to extend throughout the sentance, just the first 5 letters… i looked at it and i dont see anything wrong either, but then again i havnt coded in about 7 months…


    Then again, this is 3 year’s old.

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