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Yet another text fader

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  • #176471

    With this fader, you just type into paltalk as normal.

    PalTalk v9


    You’re cheating 😆


    I tried to do the same and finaly gave up due to losing focus and resizing problems.
    Doing it by subclassing the edit window is a bit on the edge.
    Maybe a hook to intercept resizing and focus change is the apropriate way to do it.


    If you could soooooooo combine this with the auto cam opener thing….and also add some quickbounce/red dot stuff….it would be the killer app…..I mean, more funcitons like the paltalk admin is overkill, but the ability to

    quickbounce/red dot and/or auto bounce/red dot, mic locker, this fader, and the cam open thing…..nice…



    @Chike wrote:

    You’re cheating 😆

    Yes I am cheating… and still working on the best way to catch a form resize 🙂 And since i am a vb coder, i want to avoid hooking, as i cant (yet) make the dll files to hook with.

    One day… maybe… if i have lots of time on my hands… LMAO 😆


    very good job, but your are going to have 1 small problem, You will be limited on the amount of faded text you can send, Yes it looks like its sending from the users side but due to richedit formatting the amount of charactors differ because of the formatting and you will not get paltalk warning about being too long because its actually in the formatting and not the charactors it self, I desicovered thihs problem with the last fader I made, It looked like it was sending fine but then I relized if I wrote a long sentence the other people in the room would’nt see it

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